Murder and teeth

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Sean opens the apartment door slowly still red in the eyes. He kept looking behind making sure that the alpha was not following, he knew what he had to do. Mark bob and wade were sat in his apartment talking and weeping.

Sean poked his head into the room "Hey guys I'm just going out, I won't be long OK?" Sean called.

"Alright Jack see you soon" Wade replied.

Sean walked outside, past the forest into a place that made him shiver with fear, suddenly a large gray werewolf ran up to him smelling the air. Sean froze but stood his ground he knew that he just had to stand still. The wolf was Stareing at him growling makings sure that he was not an intruder. He stopped growling at Sean and his ears went up.

"Ah Sean or jack long time no see, do you wish to speak to our leader?" He asked.

"Yes please, I have a serious problem and only convel could deal with it" Sean replied

"Oh fuck that doesn't sound good. What has happened?" He asked kindly walking with Sean

"A lot has happened scout, I mean a lot but the think I need to tell convel that I have seen another alpha around here" Sean sighed

"what the fuck, are you serious Jack?" scout asked

"I'm very serious about this scout and that is the exact reason why I need convel to help out" Sean replied.

"I understand that, well we are almost there" scout barked.

Scout was one of the closest friends Sean had around here. As in knowing how it was to be a werewolf and all. Scout was a Pure blood werewolf he was stuck as one for the rest of his life and I mean he is a permanent wolf-man hybrid.

As the two walked side by side towards the camp. Sean felt uneasy as if something has happened. Afraid he walked a little faster to get the message over and done with.

He saw the camp in the distance. Fire was everywhere. As the sound of howling and barking filled the air. They were celebrating the moon.

"why did I decide to come today" Sean sighed then he laughed a bit
Scout just laughed at Sean and patted him on the back with his paw. Sean walked into the cleaning and he felt every set of eyes look at him.

"I don't feel comfortable scout" Sean whispered

"Hey turn your fucking heads the other way you mutts" scout shouted
Everyone looked away, some still eyeing Sean.

"thanks scout" Sean smiled.

"no problem, now let's find convel" scout barked.

Sean and scout walked into convel's cave there convel sat. The long fured, midnight black wolf with dark sun gold eyes. He was 8 foot tall.

As they walked in scout put his head down to bow. Sean had to do the same.

"Sean? Is that really You, how long has it been since we last met?" convel calmly growled walking up to Sean.

"haha yup it's been a long time, but I'm not here to play catch up. I got a serious problem right now" Sean spoke.

"I see, well what is the problem?" He asked

"an alpha werewolf is here, I saw him yesterday and he is definitely here for this territory" Sean affirmed.

"what the fuck, are you serious about this?" He howled

"like I said to scout, I am not joking about this!" Sean growled.
"well shit, when did you see him?" convel barked

"this morning down by the lake" Sean added.

"Alright thank you Sean we will double patrols around the area in hopes of killing the fucker." convel spat.

"good, well that's about all I have time for right now I have to get back to my friends" Sean said with excitement.

"Alright then Sean, see you soon and safe travels home" convel called.

"I will escot you back to the border, just incase we run into the other werewolf" scout barked.

"thanks scout"

"no problem Sean"

Sean and scout made it to the border. Giving Sean a small nod scout went into the bushes to head home.

Sean walked on towards home he looked at his watch. 10:47am

"shit I have been out for 2 hours already, I hope the guys are not worried about me" Sean mumbled to himself.

When he got home, he found out that the guys has all fallen asleep on the sofa. Quietly Sean walked into the kitchen and made himself a coffee and some toast.

He tiptoed into his room and pulled out his laptop, while eating he was replying to tweets and comments. However he heard something outside his apartment. In the hallway.

He listened quietly and the sound was wet. Like a paint brush being dragged across the hall.
There was a loud thump right outside the front door. And something walked away quickly.

Sean walked into the living room Mark, bob and wade were all awake after the thump

"Jack your back, what the fuck was that!" Mark exlamed.

"I don't fucking know but stay back, I will see what it was" Sean warned

Walking to the door he opened it and then

"WHAT THE FUCK!" Sean screamed

"what is it?" bob asked

"IT'S A FUCKING DECAPITATED HEAD!" Sean growled and still screamed.

Mark bolted forward, Sean was right a man's head still dripping with blood was outside the door. Mark looked in the hall his eyes widened.

"j..Jack" Mark studderd.

Sean looked into the hallway, the wet sound was someone writing with blood on the walls.
Sean walked forward and looked at the message. His eyes narrowed and he snarled at what he read out
"Wolf, I will fucking kill you"

"fucking mutt, you and your friends if you have any are all dead" Sean snarled.

"Jack what should we do" called Wade.
Sean looked at his friends his blue eyes burning with anger.

"first thing first get that head in a bag" Sean encouraged

"then what?" Mark Urged

"Then....we are of to see my friend convel" Sean reassured.


Hooray I finally finished this chapter. Hopefully the next one will not take so long to get out.

So what will convel think of bob mark and Wade?
And a little teaser for the next chapter. Sean is like a little detective and tries solves the murder of this guy! And who the fuck is this other werewolf!

Anyway stay tuned for the next one. BYE


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