Chapter 4

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I woke up to yelling "GET UP AND CLEAN THIS HOUSE" my mother's screeching voice rang, I hopped up fast but carefully because of Taylor. I run to the door and open it to see her standing right in front of me "I'm on it" I said lowly, she just pushed my head roughly and walked away down the hall.

I go back over to sleeping Taylor and lightly shake her awake "Tay I need you to stay in this room and don't come out until I come back, when you hear my voice then you open it OK?" She nodded her head and laid back down.

I left the room after locking it from the outside and I headed downstairs to clean up the mess that THEY made. After about 20 minutes I was done cleaning and went back upstairs to my room, Taylor was in the bed still sleep "princess get up, time for school" I said lightly shaking her "5 more minutes daddy" my heart damn near stopped, did she call me daddy? She's just dreaming it wasn't forreal "come on get up please" I said more loudly, she rolled over and looked at me "I have to get in the bath?" She asked all adorable while I chuckle "yes you do" I pick her up and get all her toiletries before heading to the bathroom.

I turn the shower on while she takes off her Pj's and steps in. I sit on the toilet and wait for her to get done, yes she knows how to bathe herself because I taught her "Hurry Tay, you're gonna be late for school" I tell her "I'm done" she announced, I pulled back the shower curtain and she lifted up her arms so I can wrap the towel around her while picking her up. "OK now let's get you in a pretty outfit" pinching her cheeks I walk back to my room and get her dressed, my parents left to go to either work or the bar so it was just me and my sister/bestfriend.

I got her dressed in something casual

I got her dressed in something casual

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Taylor and her outfit

"OK now we have to go" I say while putting on my shoes, grabbing my backpack and Taylor before heading out the door towards school.

"Can I come to work with you Car?" She asked in her baby voice, I forgot I had work "sure, but its going to be boring just sitting there" I said "I don't care, its boring just being in the daycare" I chuckled and continued to walk "OK you can come, but be nice to all the costumers" I point a finger at her, she fake gasped "I'm always nice" I shook my head and laughed.

We made it to her school and walked up to the entrance "I love you Car, bye" she gave me a hug "I love you too princess, have a nice day" she ran in the door and I turned to walk to my school, when I saw a little darkskin boy run in the door, then I looked up to see Giselle with sun glasses on and watching the little boy with a smile until she saw me and scowled before walking to her car and pulling off.

Hopefully she did some of the project and didn't expect me to do it. Most likely she didn't. As I walked up to the school I spotted my friends talking with the populars, it makes sense since Gabe is a popular.

I walked up to them and stood there with my head down. Emily wrapped her arm around my waist to assure me that I was OK to stand here, it's not everyday that I strand with the populars "did you do the project?" I hear from behind me. I turn around to see Giselle standing with her arms crossed, I roll my eyes and shake my head "no I told you yesterday that we are both gonna do it" I said with attitude, she starts laughing "you were serious?" I stand there with a straight face until she stops laughing "we will set a schedule for when we can do it" I say and then back to the people that were just staring at us, she turns me around "why are you making this so difficult, all you have to do is the project" she kicked me in my leg making me fall in pain, it was like a soccer kick "we are doing the project this Friday at your house" I say still holding my leg, I guess she got frustrated so she pushed me to the ground and walked away "how do you get to do a project with the sexiest , meanest girl in school?" One of the popular people said "you tell me, I didn't pick her" I got up and Emily just stood there, why is she always so stiff wherever Giselle is around?

"I'm going to my locker, bye" I said and walked off, she just killed my whole mood. Walking to the entrance I bumped into someone "I'm sorry" I picked the person off the ground, when she looked at me it was a pretty girl with blue eyes and gray hair "it's OK, I wasn't looking where I was going" she smiled "I'm Stephanie" she stuck her hand out which I kindly took"I'm Carter" I returned the smile "can you help me find my class, I'm new obviously" I nod and tell her to give me her schedule "well we have first second and lunch together" I walk away and nod to signal her to follow me, she did "so can I sit with you and your friends?" I nod and continue walking "you don't talk much" she started, I just don't talk to people I don't really know.

"Well I'll catch up with you in first period, I have to get something out my locker" she nods and goes into the classroom, she was talking a lot but she seems cool and pretty. When I get to my locker I see people crowding around two people, I squeeze my way to the front and see Giselle and Marrisa on the ground fighting, well Giselle was on top of her pounding her face in. When someone yelled the principal was coming Giselle got up and ran down the hall and into a classroom, the one that I'm suppose to be in.

Everyone left and the principal helped Marrisa off the ground. I just shook my head and went to my class. Everyone knows not to mess with Satan's spawn.

This chapter probably sucked ass but I just wanted to do it because I have alot of ideas for this book so Yea. Vote and comment.


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