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Flickering lights danced across your vision, making you blink and wincing as you did so. Where were you? You were beside a crackling campfire - but you didn't remember making a fire. In fact, you didn't realise being in the woods at all!

"Well I should probably find out where I am." You thought aloud as you shakily stood up and brushed yourself of any dirt or dust. You shivered as you walked away from the bright campfire and further into the dark woods.

"I wish I had a flashlight." You murmured nervously as you began to see brick walls around.

This was obviously the remains of an estate or something...You saw some waste - such as barrels and metal cylinders - and then found yourself looking at a generator. A generator?Wonder what it's for... You were about to inspect it closer when a hand wrapped around your mouth and pulled you backwards behind a wall.

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