Chapter 1: Meeting Dwight And Meg.

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You opened your mouth to scream when someone shushed you quickly.

"Shh! Don't scream! He'll come otherwise." A man in his teens whispered urgently, releasing your mouth and putting a finger to his mouth.

"Who's he? And why am I here? And who are you?" You questioned confusedly.

"I'm Dwight. Dwight Fairfield. I don't know why you're here - heck I don't even know why I'm here! But we're trapped in these woods with a killer." Dwight explained hurriedly; making sure his voice was quiet.

"A killer?! Are you sure?" You replied fearfully and he nodded.

"Well what are the generators for?" You asked curiously as Dwight peeked around the wall.

"I think we need to power them to get out - I walked past a big metal gate a few minutes ago." He answered nervously.

"Fix a generator? I have no clue how to do that!" You whispered - panicking - and he gave a reassuring smile.

"Don't worry, I know how to fix a generator." Dwight assured you kindly, as the trees rustled slightly above you.

"Then why aren't you working on that one?!" You exclaimed anxiously.

"Because there are other survivors out in these woods besides you and me - if we regroup with them we can fix the generators much more quickly than if I fixed them alone." He told you calmly as you heard wooden planks being broken.

Dwight made motions to be quiet and you shut up immediately, scared. You tensed up as you heard footsteps and Dwight went pale. Heavy breathing was heard from the other side of the wall. You tried to silence your breathing, but it was hard - you were so afraid. The heavy breathing grew louder and Dwight yelped as the Killer came behind the wall.

The Killer was tall and sturdy, wearing overalls and a white mask. An evil smile was carved into the mask and nails seemed to be in the man's arms! He held a sharp butcher's knife which he used to swing at Dwight. Luckily Dwight dodged; grabbed your hand and pulled you the other way.

"RUN!" He shouted at you and you nodded, adrenaline starting to run through your veins. You and Dwight sprinted the same way, towards this little wooden shack.

"I never...told name!" You panted quickly as he hyperventilated.

"I don't...think the time!" He retorted hysterically and you thought for a minute.

"We've got to split up, he can't chase both of us!" You yelled breathlessly.

"But what about sticking together and finding other surviv-"

"That doesn't matter now! We'll meet up somewhere okay?" You cut him off loudly; terror flooding throughout your body as you both ran through bunches of trees. You knew the Killer was still following; because you could hear light footsteps behind you.

"O-Okay!" Dwight stammered, agreeing with you and you took a deep shaky breath.

"3 2 1 SPLIT!" You cried noisily.

Dwight took a sharp left whilst you went into the shack-like house. Unfortunately, the Killer followed you instead of Dwight and a fear latched itself into your throat. You swallowed fiercely as you felt determination surge and the fear turned into anger.

"WHY ARE YOU CHASING ME?!" You screamed half-angrily and half-terrified. The Killer ignored you and you threw down a wooden pull down in desperation, stunning him in the process.

"HA!" You whooped victoriously. You froze as you heard him chuckle darkly and then stomp on the wooden planks; breaking it.

"Crap..." You whimpered in a high-pitched tone. You ran out the second doorway and ran around the side of the house, the Killer still hot on your trail.

"Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit!" You swore scared, and slowed down slightly - getting really tired.

You saw a huge metal building and you rushed in, almost out of breath. You saw a girl working on the generator and she gasped as she saw you running towards her; being chased by the Killer.

"NONONONONO!" The girl screeched in horror and you grabbed her hand quickly.

"This way, this way!" You chanted hurriedly and pulled her up the stairs.

"Why would you bring him here?! That gennie was almost done!" The girl exclaimed angrily.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't know you were in here!" You apologised anxiously and stopped when you didn't hear the Killer behind you anymore.

"My name's (Y/n). (Y/n) (L/n)." You introduced tiredly.

"Nice to meet you, my name's Meg. Meg Thomas." She replied stiffly, holding out her hand and you shook it shyly.

"Come on let's back." Meg added coolly.

"Why would you go back down?! He could be waiting!" You remarked surprised and she sighed.

"We need gennies to get out of here." She huffed irritatedly but then her eyes softened when she saw your quivering form.

"Look I know how scary this is. I got separated from another survivor called Jake. But if we don't start these generators, we can't escape and we'll all be murdered." Meg told you gently and you bit your lip.

"A-Alright...I'll help you." You agreed unhappily and followed her back down the concrete steps, back to the generator.

"Okay. Now connect all the wires to their colours  - if they're connected to the wrong colour remove them and reconnect. Then pull the small levers in the order of the colours. After that  twists all the nobs then pull the long lever repeatedly and it should work." She explained helpfully as you bent down to the generators level.

"DON'T mess up. The Killer will know and he'll come after us again." Meg warned quietly.

"O-Okay." You responded obediently and got to work.

"You look like you're gonna hurl." She started a conversation after a few minutes and you laughed weakly.

"Well I woke up by a campfire by myself, met a survivor called Dwight - almost got killed and now I learn I'm trapped in here until we do generators so uh yeah I feel a little unwell." You remarked; a little sarcastically.

"Welcome to the club (Y/n)." Meg laughed with you and the tension in the air lessened slightly.

That was before you heard an ear-splitting scream and you knew it was Dwight.

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