Chapter 2: Claudette Morrell Got Caught in a Bear Trap.

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"Dwight." You exclaimed in shock and turned your head to where the pained scream came from.

"Dwight? Isn't he the survivor you met?" Meg asked curiously.

"Yeah...he must be in trouble - I have to help him!" You answered hysterically as you stopped doing the generator.

"Are you insane (Y/n)?! The Killer will be camping the hook!" She retorted sharply and cursed as she messed up the generator. The generator literally exploded; sparks coming out of it until it fell silent.

"Shit! He might come over here." Meg growled furiously to herself.

"What do you mean hook?" You questioned worriedly as she hopped out of a small window/gap in the wall.

"When he finds survivors, he hangs them on hooks by their shoulders." Meg explained disgustedly and you climbed through the window after her.

"That's...that's...just wrong!" You choked anxiously.

"Yeah. Jake told me there's this magical entity that kills them on the hook and takes their souls. I didn't believe him at the time." She chatted quietly as you both followed the screams.

"Get down." Meg whispered harshly and you crouched behind a wooden box. You held your breath as the Killer walked past you and walked towards the generator that Meg just messed up.

"Hurry! We have to get him off the hook while the Killer's occupied!" Meg urged as you both sprinted towards the hook.

"Help me! Pleeeaaaseeee." Dwight moaned in agony and you were about to go help him off it when another young woman had already grabbed his shoulders and lifted him off it.

"Run." She instructed quickly as you heard the Killer roar in rage from not far away.

"Come on." Meg ordered loudly and the four of you made a run for it.

"Fuck, he's still on us." She groaned as she glanced behind.

"Oh no!" You yelped in fear and she took a deep breath.

"I'll distract him. You guys go and take care of Dwight." She planned and before any of you could disagree she turned back and ran off into the mist.

"Meg!" You whimpered miserably as you kept running with Dwight and this mysterious girl.

"Behind here." The girl murmured quietly and the three of you crowded behind this creaky coal tower.

"Who are you?" You asked nervously and she gave a warm smile.

"My name is Claudette Morrell." Claudette introduced calmly and you suddenly noticed she had a medkit.

"My name's (Y/n) (L/n), and this is Dwight Fairfield." You replied politely as she opened the medkit.

"Nice to meet you two." She responded pleasantly.

"I can heal your injury Dwight." Claudette added helpfully as she started cleaning out his wound.

"Thank you so much." He thanked weakly as you kept watch.

"No problem, we have to get out of here and the only way is to help each other." She said kindly and finished bandaging his shoulder.

"Have you seen any other survivors?" You questioned fearfully and she shook her head.

"I'm afraid I haven't. You guys are the first people I've seen in these woods, except for the killer." Claudette answered as she shut the lid of the medkit.

"We need to find and work on a generator." Dwight interrupted forcefully.

"What about Meg? I was the one who lead the killer to her - I should go and see if she's okay!" You remarked guiltily.

"You can't go alone." He shot back protectively and Claudette nodded in agreement

"We really need to activate these generators." She admitted gently as you all went round the side of the coal tower.

"We can look for Meg after (Y/n)." Dwight said quickly before you could speak and you nodded defeatedly.

"There's a generator." Claudette pointed out quietly.

You all rushed towards it when Claudette shrieked in pain.

"Claudette-?" You called nervously and watched her fall to the ground.

"Oh god." She wailed noisily and clutched at her leg.

"She's caught in a bear trap!" Dwight deduced in horror and you gasped.

"Shit! How do we untrap it?!" You questioned frantically.

"I-I don't know! But I see the Killer in the distance!" He answered frightened and bit his lip.

"So?!" You snapped angrily as you crouched down to Claudette's level.

"So he's coming!" Dwight flared up defensively.

"(Y/n)..." He said your name after a couple of minutes as you were trying to free Claudette.

"What?" You asked sharply and he swallowed nervously.

"He's coming towards us. We need to make a decision." Dwight told you flatly.

"A decision on what?" You remarked irritably as you tried pushing open the trap.

"A decision on leaving Claudette." He answered seriously and your mouth fell open.

"Please don't. Please." She begged scared.

"I'm not leaving Claudette." You replied sternly and she sighed shakily in relief:

"Thank you (Y/n)." She exclaimed, her voice wobbly.

"Hey don't make me look like the bad guy here." Dwight huffed bitterly and you raised your eyebrows at him.

"Well you were the one who suggested it Dwight. Now help me untrap Clau-" Dwight interrupted you by screaming loudly and sprinting off.

"Dwight! What the hell! She saved you!" You yelled after him and froze as you saw the Killer standing directly in front of you.

F U C K.

"Get out of here (Y/n)!" Claudette whispered terrified and you shook your head.

"No I'm not leaving you." You whispered back frightened and pushed on the trap in a final attempt to free her. Luckily it worked and you pulled her up strongly.

"Go Claudette, go!" You demanded anxiously and pushed her.

"Thank you (Y/n)! I'll never forget what you've done." Claudette promised gratefully as she limped away.

Now it was just you and the Killer. He didn't move closer to you; and you didn't run - paralysed to the spot with fear and confusion. But the minute he took a slight step towards you, you turned around and bolted. There's no way you were just going to let him hang you on a hook!

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