Chapter 8: Guilt.

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"Evan Macmillan - the Killer - he's...well...he's obsessed with me. He won't kill me - but he won't let me leave either. Evan' love with me."

"What?" Jake said blankly as you started on a generator.

"I said 'Evan's in lo-' "

"No I heard you. I just...can't believe it." He cut you off quickly; his face still in disbelief.

"My father used to work with Archie Macmillan and one time he brought me along. I met Evan when we were little kids. He was strange and hardly said a word but I gave him a toy rabbit and he opened up a little. I think that's when he started liking me." You explained, blushing a little at the memory.

"Are you sure the Killer has a...soft spot for you?" Jake persisted quietly.

"The Killer had the toy rabbit. It was in the corner of the basement - he's kept it for fifteen years." You told him; still in amazement yourself.

"That's just...extraordinary." Jake muttered thoughtfully and you almost fucked up the generator. Luckily you didn't, and you'd both done the generator halfway.

"I'd say it's kinda creepy." You remarked anxiously as you worked.

"You must be really nice if you could get a Killer to spare your life." Jake said  warmly.

"I can't believe that just because I was kind to Evan when we were little that he's now obsessively in love with me." You shook your head doubtfully.

"Could you convince him to let us go?" He asked lightly as you saw a gleam of hope in his eyes.

"Unfortunately no. He does whatever the Entity tells him." You answered disappointedly.

"You guys could escape if you finished the generators and opened the door. But I have a feeling Evan won't let me go so easily." You sighed bitterly and Jake's eyes softened.

"Claudette and I would never leave you behind." He promised kindly as you finished the generator.

"Thank you Jake." Your eyes welled with tears and you hugged him.

"No problem. Now let's find Claudette, do the last few generators and get out of here!" Jake declared determinedly.

"Yeah." You agreed strongly and followed him the the thick foliage.

Silence fell as you stuck together and worked through the mist. You couldn't believe this was actually happening. This whole situation is like a never-ending nightmare.

"Hey (Y/n)?" Jake called your name after a few minutes and you jerked out of your thoughts.

"Yes Jake?" You replied gingerly.

"Did you ever figure out how the Entity can stop you and make you fall unconscious?" He wondered curiously and you cringed mentally - remembering in the terrifying moment.

"(Y/n)! Why'd you stop?!"
"I-...I can't move!"
The black mist slowly swirled around your body and out of nowhere your body shut down completely; your vision fading as you fell to the floor.

"No. Maybe it feeds off of fear and infiltrates your mind." You guessed fearfully.

"I don't think it does. I mean all of us are scared and it's only controlled you." Jake disagreed gently and you bit your lip; thinking.

"I have a theory actually." He added as you looked at him, fascinated.

"I think the Entity knows that Evan loves you and it's probably made a deal with him - for example sacrifice everyone else and you can survive." Jake remarked knowledgeably.

"I'm not saying it's your fault," He said quickly as you opened your mouth,"I'm just saying maybe that's the case."

"So I...can't get out...?" You whispered, feeling hopeless and he shook his head.

"Yes you can. Believe it and it'll happen." He argued positively.

"Right." You agreed - happier that Jake wasn't going to abandon you like Dwight probably would have.

"Here's the generator that Claudette fixed...but where is she?" Jake mused as you both looked around the area; the generator giving off strong beams of light.

"In here!" Claudette's voice drifted down to you and you both glanced up to see her face peering out of the top of a wooden two storey house.

You both crept into the broken house and went to the second story.

"Claudette!" You cried happily and hugged her.

"(Y/n)! I thought you were dead." She replied in relief and returned the hug sweetly.

"Well Dwight is." You told her flatly and she sighed.

"If he just helped people then he wouldn't be." Claudette remarked firmly.

"That and the Entity stopped me from saving him." You added miserably as Jake worked on the generator.

"It actually did something good for us then. He probably would've thrown you girls under the bus again if he had a chance to save his own skin." Jake muttered disgustedly and you nodded in agreement.

"I usually try and see the best in people. But Jake's right; Dwight would've sacrificed us for himself." Claudette said softly.

"He was a bit of a coward." You admitted tiredly as you helped Jake.

"We have to work together." He exclaimed fiercely.

"Right. And help each other off the hooks, it's the only way we'll survive." Claudette advised pleasantly and you bit your lip sadly.

"I wish I could help you...but the Entity stops me whenever I try. I'm so...useless." You whispered guiltily as you fought back more tears.

"No you're not." She said soothingly and rubbed your arm comfortingly.

"You've helped with generators and that's more than enough help." Jake told you kindly and you raised your eyebrows.

"Sure." You muttered embarrassedly, turning away.

"Hey if we don't fix the generators we can't power the doors and get out. So yes, you have helped." He argued warmly.

"Listen to Jake, (Y/n). You're not useless... you're a brave woman." Claudette praised sweetly and you smiled.

"Thanks you guys." You thanked gratefully; blushing slightly from the compliment.

"Hey after this whole nightmare-ish situation is over, would you...I don't know...wanna hang out sometime?" You asked shyly.

"I'd love to, I'm quite shy so I don't really talk to people often." Claudette answered cheerily as she gazed at you friendly.

"Sounds like a blast." Jake smiled interestedly and you felt a warm glow.

At least something had come out of this terrible ordeal. You'd met some worthwhile people, who would never leave you behind.

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