Chapter 9: Nea Karlsson.

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"Hey guys, I think this is the last generator we have to do." Claudette remarked thoughtfully as you looked out of the gap/window.

"Really?" You asked hopefully and saw crows perch on a crate below you.

"How do you know?" Jake inquired, his voice full of disbelief.

"Well when I met up with Dwight after the bear trap, he told me five generators where most likely to power a metal gate as big as that." She explained quietly and you grinned.

"That's great! Now we can get out!" You exclaimed excitedly; your eyes welling with happy tears.

"Careful; let's not celebrate just yet." Jake advised gently. You saw the Killer speed walk past the building and you were about to panic when -

"The Killer's chasing someone!" You said loudly, and squinted your eyes; trying to see who he was going out.

"Huh?" Claudette frowned. This person was wearing a bloody red and black checkered shirt with denim pants and was wearing a dark beanie.

"The Killer is chasing someone!" You repeated impatiently and tried to think of a plan.

"How is the generator coming along?" You questioned quickly as you watched the person throw a pull down in front of the killer; making him snarl.

"Just a few more seconds." Jake answered firmly, focusing.

"I'm going after that person. Fix the generator and hopefully it'll distract the Killer." You planned hurriedly and he narrowed his eyes.

"Then what?" Claudette asked worriedly.

"I have a medkit. So then I'll heal them and meet you at the exit." You finished determinedly as you went towards the stairs leading down.

"Okay. Good luck (Y/n)." She said concernedly.

"We'll meet you at the exit." Jake added gently and you nodded before going downstairs and leaving the house.

You saw the person hide behind a tree - just like you had done whilst you were being chased by Evan. He growled and began looking around the rocks, crates and barrels - clearly realising that she hadn't run away and was hiding. You went numb as you realised that he was about to find her behind the tree and thought fast. You had to do something!

You picked up a heavy brick and lobbed it at Evan bravely, hearing it hit the back of his head. He yelled in anger and turned around; but you'd quickly ducked behind a wooden box. He was about to walk over to you when the generator lit up - meaning that Claudette and Jake had fixed it! Evan roared and rushed into the house fiercely, trying to find someone. Seizing your chance, you ran over to the person - realising that they were a girl - and grabbed her hand.

"Hey! Who the hell are-?!

"No time! This way - quick!" You exclaimed anxiously and started running, pulling her behind you. You found the little shack you found in the beginning and rushed into it.

"Who are you?!" The girl snapped defensively and you checked for Evan. No sign of him.

"My name's (Y/n), (Y/n) (L/n). When I saw he was about to find you behind the tree, I threw a brick at him to distract him. Then my friends got the last generator to open the door and now I'm here to help you." You explained breathlessly.

"Oh...uh thanks I guess." She mumbled embarrassedly and let you heal her wounds.

"What's your name? You asked interestedly and she grinned proudly.

"The name's Nea Karlsson." Nea introduced pridefully as you finished healing her.

"Nice to meet you Nea. Now let's get out of this hellhole." You remarked quietly and she nodded.

"That sounds like a hella good plan." She agreed immediately and followed you. You stuck close to the wall as you walked, searching for the big metal gate you saw when you first arrived.

"So how did you get here?" Nea asked curiously and you turned to look at her.

"I just woke up here." You admitted; deciding not to tell her about the magical entity who can stop you from moving and knock you out.

"I got dared to tag this place." She smirked sassily and you resisted the temptation to roll your eyes.

"Oh." You murmured uninterestedly.

"So you woke up here huh? What did you get too high on drugs or somethin'? I mean shit, you must've got fucked-" You covered her mouth harshly and you both crouched behind a rock as the Killer marched past enraged.

"-up." Nea finished when it was safe.

"I wasn't on drugs - I don't even do drugs." You told her coolly.

"That's cool, that's cool. I like to get high though." She winked daringly at you.

"There's the gate." You pointed out in relief, and rushed towards the open door

"Wait!" Nea hissed as she grabbed your arm and pushed you behind a rock. The Killer walked past again, snarling in frustration and then stood in front of the exit; camping it.

"Idiot. Be more careful." She warned irritatedly.

"Thanks Nea." You thanked stiffly and saw Jake peek from a broken brick archway in the exit.

"You okay?" He mouthed worriedly and you nodded.

"Saved the person, where's Claudette?" You mouthed back and he pointed to a locker. You bit your lip nervously - you knew lockers were bad news.

"What do we do? That bastard is camping the exit!" Nea swore angrily and you thought for a minute.

"I have a plan. It's risky but it'll get you guys out." You told her quickly.

"What about you?" She asked sharply and you signed.

"The Killer's obsessed with me. Therefore, if I distract him long enough, you guys can escape. And I'll stay here." You explained; dreading the plan.

"You sure?" Nea questioned in surprise and you nodded.

"Kay. Do your stuff (Y/n)." She agreed easily as you stood up. You fearfully walked into Evan's view and froze when he stared at you creepily.

"Hi...Evan." Your voice shook as you spoke to him and he walked towards you.

"(Y/n)." He greeted lovingly and stroked your face with one hand.

"I'll make you...a deal." You mentioned anxiously, watching Nea run to the exit.

"Hm?" He cocked his head to the side and you took a deep breath.

"If you-"

"HEY FREAK!" Nea yelled mockingly, her hands cupping her mouth and he turned to face her.

"COME GET ME!" She shouted tauntingly and with a growl he went after her.

"No!" You gasped - that wasn't part of the plan!
At this rate not everyone will make it!Claudette left the locker and you hurried over to her, frightened.

"(Y/n)! You're okay!" She exclaimed relieved and you nodded.

"Come on let's go!" Jake called urgently as Nea ran towards the exit. You and Claudette made a run for it too and your heart sped up when you realised you might make it! Evan howled in fury and managed to hit Claudette - who shrieked in pain and went to Jake.

"This way! Get out now!" He demanded hysterically and she rushed out. Jake followed her and you were about to follow them when the black mist surrounded you, making you fall to the floor.

"No! No please, I was so close!" You moaned desperately and tried to crawl towards the exit.

Evan chuckled in triumph as he picked you up and slung you over his shoulder possessively. When Jake saw that you'd been caught, he tried to come back - but it was like there was an invisible wall blocking him from coming back. He pounded furiously on the invisible wall, but nothing worked and Claudette screamed as you got carried away.

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