Chapter 5: The Entity's Whispers.

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"So what's the plan?" You asked quietly as you all walked close to the gigantic brick wall trapping you in this hell.

"Uh...fix the generators and get the fuck out?" Jake answered humorously; making you and Claudette giggle.

"Sounds good." Claudette agreed lightly.

You suddenly heard weird whispers in the air; growing louder and louder, until your head buzzed with them. Get away from them. Get away from them. Get away from them. Get away from them.

"What is that?" You inquired irritatedly as shook your head.

"What's what?" Claudette questioned curiously; both her and Jake looking confused.

"That whispering." You replied puzzled.

"I don't hear any whispering." Jake responded bemused as you guys looked for another generator.

Get away from them. Get away from them. Get away from them. Get away from them. Get away from them.

"You probably just feel unwell from all the stress and fear this situation is inflicting on you." Claudette comforted you gently and Jake shook his head. Get away from them.

"It could be the Entity." He remarked thoughtfully. Get away from them. Get away from them.

"The Entity?" You repeated, not understanding as you all stopped walking.

Get away from them. Get away from them. Get away from them. Wait...

"Jake told me there's this magical entity that kills them on the hook and takes their souls." Meg's voice echoed in your mind. Get away from them.

"Yeah. After you get hooked it tries to take your soul. And also-" Jake paused intently,"-it's the thing that trapped you here in the first place." Get away from them. Get away from them.

"It trapped us here?" Claudette quoted surprised and he nodded.

Get away from them. Get away from them. Get away from them.

"It takes control of your mind...hypnotises you even. It lures you into this place so this Killer can slam you on a hook and it can feed on your soul." Jake explained darkly. Get away from them.

"That would explain why we all don't remember how we got here." You added quietly; trying to ignore the whispers in your head.

It was hard to resist the temptation of obeying the Entity and walking away from Claudette and Jake. Get away from them. Get away from them.

"So why can (Y/n) hear it and we can't?" Claudette asked quizzically.

"I... don't... know." You said feebly as you grew weak towards the Entity's power.

"(Y/n) look at me. Don't let the Entity control you. You have to fight it." Jake told you urgently and took ahold of your shoulders.

Get away from them. Get away from them. Get away from them.

" hurts." You whispered softly as your head pounded. Get away from them.

"Jake what do we do?" Claudette asked worriedly. Get away from them. Get away from them.

Your knees gave way and you fell to the ground, shaking. Get away from them. Get away from them. Get away from them.

"I-I don't know. But I assume the Entity can talk to the Killer." He remarked nervously as Claudette crouched to your level and wrapped her arm around your waist. Get away from them.

"So?" She replied quietly. Get away from them. Get away from them.

"So it's probably told him where we are." Jake sighed anxiously and she tensed up. Get away from them. Get away from them. Get away from them.

"Guys just leave me. He chases me relentlessly anyway." You mumbled miserably as you spotted the Killer in the distance.

"Not happening." Jake disagreed immediately.

"You saved me. I'm not leaving you (Y/n)." Claudette sided with Jake and suddenly the whispers stopped.

"The whispers...they're gone!" You exclaimed in relief but it faded when you saw how tense Jake and Claudette were.

"It's gone?" Jake asked in disbelief and you nodded ecstatically.

"Why would it just stop?" Claudette questioned gingerly as the Killer got closer.

"I don't think it's given up. I think the Entity's planning something else." Jake responded suspiciously.

"Yeah well I think we should run now!" You remarked nervously as you locked eyes with the Killer standing about twenty yards away.

"Good idea." Claudette said anxiously and you all started to run.

"Don't want to alarm you guys but he's chasing us!" You yelped as you glanced behind you and saw him behind you.

"That's not good!" Claudette panted as she kept pace with you all. Stop running. Stop running. Stop running. Stop running.

"The whispers started again!" You yelled worriedly as you all ran between the trees. Stop running.

"What are they saying?" Jake shouted back and avoided being slashed by the Killer's knife. Stop running. Stop running.

"To stop running!" You replied anxiously. Stop running. Stop running. Stop running.

"Well I think you should keep running!" He retorted loudly and screeched in pain as the killer finally got him. Jake ran faster so the Killer went for Claudette.

"Claudette watch out!" You warned fearfully and she dodged his attack. By this time the whispers had stopped again. Why do they keep happening? Why can't the Entity leave you alone?! You suddenly stopped running for absolutely no reason.

"(Y/n)! Why'd you stop?!" Jake exclaimed surprised as he pulled down a wooden palette to stop the Killer from hitting him.

"I-...I can't move!" You answered frightened, and saw black mist swirl around your feet. The Killer noticed this and stopped trying to get at Jake. You were literally paralyzed - not from the fear that you felt but from this creepy dark mist.

"Jake we gotta do something!" Claudette shouted frantically as the Killer walked towards you.

"I know!" Jake snapped frustratedly.

"Take this!" Claudette yelled furiously as she took out a flashlight from her pocket and shined it into the Killers eyes. He growled and turned away quickly - he'd learnt from Jake not to let it happen again.

"Shit the battery's already dead?!" Claudette gasped noisily and screamed as the Killer hit her violently with his cleaver.

"CLAUDETTE!" You screeched in horror and watched her try to slowly crawl away - moaning in agony.

The black mist slowly swirled around your body and out of nowhere your body shut down completely; your vision fading as you fell to the floor. The last thing you heard was Jake screaming your name before blacking out.

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