Chapter 7: Evan Macmillan.

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"Because I love you." The Killer answered from behind you and you spun around in shock.

"Evan..." You whispered nervously as he walked slowly towards you. You backed away slightly and jumped as you hit the wooden wall.

"I've waited for so long to see you again." Evan said quietly.

"Why did you stay here?" You questioned anxiously as he cupped your face with one hand.

"Fifteen years. Fifteen years I waited for you." He remarked obsessively as you froze fearfully.

"Now you're here. And you're never leaving again." Evan murmured possessively and hugged you tightly.

"I can't stay here - Evan you''re a murderer!" You cried as you removed yourself out of his grasp.

"You're NOT leaving me." He growled darkly; grabbing your wrist.

"You're sick! You've killed people!" You retorted frightened and tried to pull away.

"The Entity tells me to. It keeps me alive." Evan replied fiercely and tightened his grip on you.

"And it'll keep you alive too." He added as you tried to wriggle out of his grasp.

"I don't want it to! I'm going to keep myself alive. Evan...I can't stay in an abandoned estate with you." You explained sadly and he started to shake with anger.

"Why? Why won't you stay with me?! You promised. You promised!" Evan yelled furiously.

"That promise was made fifteen years ago." You replied tearfully and yelped in terror as he shoved you against the wall.

"It doesn't matter. You're mine. And you're never leaving." He said passionately.

Evan took his mask off and before you could ask why he kissed you roughly. You were completely filled with shock, so you didn't even react to the kiss. A few moments later he pulled back and stroked your face tenderly; dirtying your cheek with blood:

"Don't ever leave my side." Evan demanded psychotically.

"I-I..." You stammered surprised and was about to make a proper sentence when the Entity's whispers filled the air.

"They're doing it AGAIN." He hissed venomously as his eyes flickered to the wooden stairs leading back up, then back to you.

"W-What?" You stuttered, shaken.

"Stop doing the generators. Stop it. STOP IT!" He shouted enraged as he grabbed his mask, shoved it on and left the basement; leaving you alone.

You just stood there in utter amazement, trying to process what just happened. A psychotic murderer confessed his love for you mere seconds ago and waited for fifteen years just so he could see you again? You tried to wiped the blood off your cheek, but instead it smeared across your face and wrist.

"I've got to find the others." You decided exhaustedly; the fear and adrenaline dying down.

You crept up the basement stairs and left the ironworks completely. Where should you go?You rushed off to the to the side of the coal tower - where you first met Claudette - and noticed a chest at the front of it. Quickly glancing to your left and right, you searched the chest and found a medkit. At least you can heal yourself or someone else. You suddenly heard pained moaned coming from the bushes, so you went to investigate.

"(Y/n)! Over here." Jake's voice groaned from the tall grass and you crouched down.

"Jake! Are you okay?" You asked worriedly.

"Do I look fucking okay?" He snapped hysterically and you flinched.

"Sorry." He whispered apologetically as you opened the medkit.

"No it's not your fault. Here, I have a medkit. Let me help." You smiled comfortingly at him and started healing him.

"Thanks (Y/n)." Jake thanked quietly.

"You're welcome. What happened to you guys after I fell unconscious?" You asked curiously as you finished bandaging his wounds.

"You saw Claudette get hit right? After you blacked out he got distracted and I managed to help Claudette away. She was holding a medkit so I healed her wounds and we made a plan - she should do generators and I'd go rescue you from the basement. But the Killer found me trying to sneak down. Luckily this other man caught his attention and-"

"Dwight." You remarked in realisation; interrupting Jake.

"Was that his name? Anyway he went after Dwight for a bit but then camped the top of the stairs - so when I tried to help you again - he slashed my side. I tried to get away but he hit me with his cleaver. I couldn't do anything but crawl away. The Killer was going to pick me up - probably to slam me on a hook - when the other guy distracted him. After that I pretty much crawled away and you found me." Jake finished, taking a huge breath after his explanation.

"So then Claudette must've been the one to do that generator." You exclaimed; relieved that she's still alive.

"Either her or that guy you mentioned might still be alive." He said hopefully.

"No. Dwight's dead. The Killer put him on a hook and the Entity took his soul." You explained miserably as tears dripped down your face.

"I'm so sorry." Jake responded quietly and you wiped your face with your arm.

"I'm fine." You mumbled emotionally and took a deep breath to calm down.

"So what happened after...y' falling unconscious?" He questioned concernedly.

"I woke up and saw that my hands were tied to the post of the hook in the basement. I used a shard of glass to cut myself free and hid in a locker seconds before the Killer carried Dwight down the stairs. I...I found out who the Killer was." Your voice trembled as Jake put his hand on your shoulder and squeezed it soothingly.

"Who is he?" He inquired softly and you tried to pull yourself together.

"Evan Macmillan." You answered, quivering and his mouth fell open.

"You mean Archie Macmillan's son? The same Archie Macmillan that went insane? The very same Archie Macmillan that trapped his workers in the mine?" Jake questioned; surprised.

"Yes. And there's something else I have to tell you." You added nervously as you shivered from the cold breeze.

"What is it?" He asked gently.

"Evan Macmillan - the Killer - he's...well...he's obsessed with me. He won't kill me - but he won't let me leave either. Evan' love with me."

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