Chapter 4: Saved By Jake Park.

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You clapped your hands over your mouth in complete terror and tried to muffle your racking sobs. Meg just died in front of you - how else were you supposed to act?! Your knees unexpectedly gave way and you fell to the floor; your hands still covering your mouth from shock. You were so upset that you didn't notice that the Killer had finished wiping Meg's blood off his blade and was walking over to you.

"(Y/n)~" The Killer purred deviously and you stared up at him; tears streaming down your face.

You were devoid of life. If Meg - a strong determined girl, who worked so hard to survive - had died, then what chance did you have? Let this suffering end already. The Killer reached towards you to cup your face with his bloody hand when he staggered back with a groan.

"Quickly - this way!" A man called helpfully as he grabbed your hand and started to run.

"Who...are you?" You asked him shakily, letting him lead you away from the Killer.

"Jake. Jake Park. And I think your name is (Y/n)?" Jake answered politely and you nodded.

"What did you do to...him?" You questioned nervously as you heard the Killer yell with fury.

"I stunned him by flashing a flashlight in his eyes." He replied lightly.

"SHE'S MINE! GIVE HER BACK!" The Killer roared violently and you quivered with fear.

"What is he talking about?" Jake inquired curiously as the Killer's shouts became distant.

"I-I don't know." You stammered anxiously and you both entered the mine.

"So how come you were just sitting on the ground like that? Doesn't seem like the best plan to survive." He joked pleasantly.

"I-uh...just saw a person...get murdered." You whispered miserably and his face went serious.

"I'm... sorry to hear that (Y/n)." Jake said sincerely as he searched the chest. You simply nodded and watched him for a few moments, until it struck you.

"Look I know how scary this is. I got separated from another survivor called Jake."
"-Jake told me there's this magical entity that kills them on the hook and takes their souls."

Is this the Jake that Meg knew?
It had to be!

"Um Jake, did you know someone called Meg?" You asked nervously as he stopped searching the chest.

"Yes! Have you seen her? We got separated and I've been crazy worried about her! Is she okay?" He exclaimed excitedly.

"She...she didn't make it. Meg was the one I saw die." You told him gravely and he froze.

"W-What?" Jake stuttered stunned as you gazed at the floor.

"We were doing generators together, when I saw him coming. Meg and I hid in some lockers but the Killer found her first a-and-" You couldn't continue; swallowing the huge lump in your throat.

"That's...that's too bad." He mumbled sadly.

"I'm so sorry." You remarked regretfully and he smiled sorrowfully.

"It's not your fault. I'm sure you tried to help her." Jake tried to stay positive as he resumed looking through the chest.

"Yeah I did. I followed the Killer to see if she would get hooked. But she wriggled free at the last minute and ran towards this mine. Unfortunately she got hit, tried to climb inside the window and got pulled back. Then he murdered her." You explained grievously.

"It must've been hard to watch that happen." He sympathised kindly and you nodded again.

"How did you...know Meg?" You asked delicately as he finished looking through the chest and pulled out a toolbox.

"We woke up in this estate together. We took down some hooks, tried to do a generator and stuck together. It felt less scary to be a team y'know?" Jake answered wistfully and you wiped your eyes with the back of your hand morosely.

"I woke up alone by a campfire." You admitted gloomily and he grinned suddenly.

"I made that fire while Meg and I were separated." He remarked amusedly.

"Well thanks I guess. It's better than waking up dark and cold." You thanked gratefully as you guys left the mine.

"No problem." Jake replied nicely as you got both started on a generator. A few minutes later and you and Jake finally fixed it - the generator giving off a bright glow of light.

"Yes! Now let's-" You stopped as you bumped into someone.

"Claudette!" You cried happily and engulfed her in a hug.

"(Y/n)!" Claudette exclaimed in relief as she returned the hug.

"Friend of yours?" Jake inquired confusedly.

"Yeah. Claudette this is Jake Park. Jake, this is Claudette Morrell." You introduced calmly and she smiled at Jake.

"Nice to meet you." Claudette said politely as you literally felt 10x better now that she was here. The duo was now a trio.

"You too." He responded softly and shook her hand.

"So Claudette, has anything happened after I freed you?" You questioned interestedly and she sighed.

"I found Dwight again but he wouldn't help me with my wounds. The killer found me because I was bleeding - he must've followed the trail of blood from the bear trap-"

"The bear trap?" Jake interrupted puzzled.

"She got caught in a bear trap." You told him quietly and she held your hand.

"(Y/n) was really brave. The Killer was right in front of us but she stayed to free me. And on top of that she lead the Killer away from me." Claudette praised shyly as she squeezed your hand.

"Wow. That's really amazing (Y/n)." He complimented and you smiled gently.

"Not really." You disagreed lightly.

"So the Killer chased me for a bit - luckily I got away. But I can't believe Dwight wouldn't help me." She huffed bitterly and you gritted your teeth. Stupid Dwight, only saving his own skin.

"This Dwight sounds like an asshole." Jake remarked bluntly and you laughed coldly.

"That's because he is. Claudette got him off a hook and he left us to die when she got caught in the bear trap. And to hear that he didn't save her again is just disgusting." You ranted annoyed as  you all hurried away from the generator.

"What a prick. Don't worry ladies, I won't ever do that." He promised kindly.

"Thank you." Claudette murmured warmly as you all stood behind a brick wall. You felt a sense of déjà vu.

"Yeah thanks Jake." You smiled graciously.

At least you were a team.
And a team sticks together.

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