New Home

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~(Y/n) prov~

When we got to my new home with my new big brother I was still being held by big brother England bit once we got out of the car big brother england gave me to big brother Scotland so he could go shopping for clothes and food for me and the house. Once he left my other big brothers and I went inside the house I was surprised by the exterior but once we got inside I was even more surprised it was beautiful everything fit perfectly. Once I was done admiring my new home big brother Scotland came to me and kneeled down to might height
"So little (Y/n) do ye like your new home? ^^" he asked with the sweetest smiled which I quickly nodded and jumped in excitement which made my big brothers laugh well all except england because he was still shopping and Wales who seems like the quit type. While were laughing at me big brother Ireland kneeled down next to big brother Scotland.
"Don't get to excited we still haven't showed you your new room"
"I get my room!?" I gasped
"Yes you do" big brother Wales said
"Yay" I yelled and ran around the room which made Ireland and Scotland laugh while Wales just smiled a little bit.

~England prov~

Ok I got (Y/n) new clothes and I got dinner for tonight I got food to make some yummy crêpes which Wales will probably make tonight since he's the chef of the family.

~time skip brought to you neko england (∩_∩)~

As I pulled in the drive and got out of the car I herd what sounded like Scotland yelling and laughing at Ireland and greenland 'to get there little arsses back there and help clean up the mess the made in the living room' gosh she hasn't even been here 24 hours And Ireland already taught her to make a mess I thought as I walked up then side walk to the house as I opened The the door to the house (Y/n) ran over to me and hugged my legs
"big brothers England is home yay!" She yelled
"Having fun poppet?" I asked
She nodded and ran away again because Scotland was still chasing her around the house I just laughed and went into the kitchen and gave Wales the ingredients for dinner and dessert. as I left the room to go to my office I herd giggling and a Scottish accent asking if she was going to clean up her mess then there was a small break in the giggling so she could say this one word which made me giggle all the way up the stair and that one word was never....
Then all I herd was the poppet laughing so hard that made
Her give in and clean.
~time skip cause I'm lazy~
After dinner we all got cleaned up and went to bed after about 20 minuets in my room reading a book I herd a small knock on my door so I got up and opened the door.
What surprised me was the poppet was standing there crying.
So I bent down to her level and patted her head.
"Big brother england can I sleep with you pwease (ಥ﹏ಥ)" she asked with cutest puppy's in the world.
"Sure poppet you can" I said as I picked her up and put her under the covers in my bed then I layed next to her and
Went to sleep but before I fell asleep I herd her say
"Thank you big brother I love you" I smiled an kissed her forehead and said
"your welcome and I love you too poppet."
Two chapters in one day yes! I hope you enjoy the book so far I'm really enjoying writing it bit anyways I'll try and update again asap so get ready for more cuteness well anyway talk to you later little kittens~ (^▽^)

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