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The next morning little (Y/n) had woken up. As She had crawled out of her bed slowly because she was so small for were she walked to her door yawning and rubbing her eyes in a cutesy way. Once she had finally reached the door (Y/n) stood up on her tippy toes reaching for her door knob. Just before she had opened the door she herd laughing down the stairs. Walking out of the room she sat down on her bum an scooted down the stairs.

"Oh goodness look at the little bella~" a strange man with a curl on the side of his head said as he walk over to you while bending down to you size.
"I'm (Y/n) mister. What's your name?" (Y/n) said as she rub bed her eyes again.
"Well, Bella I'm Italy" Italy said as he put his hand out for a hand shake.
"Oh, hello mister Italy" (y/n) said as she put her significantly smaller hand in his shaking hands lightly. But not long after shaking hands with each other Italy went back to a tall man with bright blue eyes and blond hair.

After a couple minutes of standing there (y/n) decided to go look for (y/n)'s big brother Ireland so he could hold you and help you back to sleep. As you searched you decided to look in the garden  at her home because he wasn't anywhere in the house and normally when people are over your big brother England sends him out side because he doesn't want him smoking up the house with company.

After searching a while you find him under a Chinese maple tree with bright beautiful red leaves.

"Big brother!" You yelled as you ran over and jumped on his stomach. But as soon as you did that he jolted up words hitting his head on yours.
"Jeez (y/n) why'd ye go and do that'' he said as he rubbed his head were both of you heads collided with each other.
"Sorry big brother. but, I was wondering if you'd would take a nap with me please?" You said giving him a sad puppy face.
"*sigh* but I was was just sleeping....." He mumbled " but yeah come on let's take a nap together" he said as he laid back down as you laid on his chest.
"Thank you big brother" (y/n) said as she slowly drifted in a dreamless slumber with her beloved big brother as the hugged each other.


Sorry kittens that it took so long I've been extremely busy but I finally got a chapter done but since Christmas break is coming up soon I have big plans for the book (if nothing else comes up) I'll probably be finishing off this book also fixing a few minor errors and I'd probably finish blooming flowers and maybe adding a new one who knows. Also I got good news my friend is okay!!!!!! I'm so happy for that too well  any way talk to you soon peace kittens. ( ˘ ³˘)♥.

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