ch 7

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~Nobodys Prov~
As (y/n) woke up rubbing the tiredness out of her pretty (E/c)
And looking over at her big brother still sleeping silen-
Oh never mind (Y/n) giggled at her big brother and carefully got out of bed while trying not to wake him up. As she waddle her way over to the door carefully opening it making sure it wouldn't make a sound as she opened it. When she finally squeezed her tiny frame out of the room she walked down stairs and into the kitchen where big brother Dylan was making breakfast.
~Dylan's (wales) Prov~
While I was cooking breakfast I herd little shuffles come into the kitchen and then a chair being pulled out. When o turned around I saw a still sleepy (Y/n). I chuckled at her cuteness and went back to cooking but before cooking again I here my little sister mumble the cutest little 'good morning' in the world.
When she said that I smirked a little and gave her a 'good morning ' back.
~time skip cause of the bushy brow family (・ิω・ิ)~
~your prov~
When I was waiting for big brother Dylan to finish breakfast Arthur, Seamus, and Alister came down one after the other. When they came down big brother Arthur sat on my right and big brother Alister sat on my left to protected me from big brother Seamus cuddles and kisses because every time he sees me he run up to me and gushes over how cute I was.
While we were waiting for breakfast Arthur and I started talking.
"So (Y/n) how about we talk about you starting preschool?" He asked since I was a new country and all, I had the body of a 5 year old so it would be natural for me to start preschool.
I looked up at him and smile
"Okay (⌒_⌒)" I said cheerfully
"Okay after breakfast we will go school shopping and sign you up for preschool" Dylan said with the most emotionless face out of all the brother.
~another time skip after school shopping~
~nobody's prov
While your brother's Arthur, Seamus, Alister and you waited for Dylan to sign you up for preschool you and Seamus were in the room with a bunch of toys coloring books and many other things a child would love. While you two were playing Arthur and Alister was talking.
"do you really think its the right thing to sign (y/n) for a public school" Arthur asked his brother
"Ye need to calm down your the one who wanted
to go to school"
"I know but a public school
what will happen if she is bullied" Arthur said while look at you with sad but concerned eyes.
"ye need to calm down don't think about what if's plus she has 4 big brothers to care for her if any thing happens."
"Yeah your right Alister" he said giving a sad smile to his older brother.
~last time skip~
Finally after about an hour Dylan came out with your new school uniform and told everyone that you would be starting next Monday so you could start off fresh for the new school week. When you were heading home after the exhausting day you had fallen asleep in Scotland's arms and so when you all got home he brought you to your room with the other brothers following when he laid you down on your bed he had kissed your forehead and so did the others and each one told you good night in there own native language.

"Good night little one" England
"Oíche mhaith amháin beag" Ireland
"Deagh oidhche fear beag " Scotland
"Noson dda un bach " Wales
All meaning 'good night little one'
I hope you kittens liked this chapter the next will be when you will start preschool yay! Let's see what will happen once you start hmm well any way Gute Nacht Kätzchen (good night kittens) see you next Time ('•ω•'). PS you school uniform is in the pic.

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