what's a death note

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Your p.o.v

Everyone was gloomy. L lost the hope he had. Matsuda tries to cheer us all up but we all know he wants to give up too. Mr Yagami looks more old then usual and light... Well light has been... Creepy he had been released from the handcuffs. L's bags that where under his eyes got bigger you honestly where worried for everyone. L left you thought he went to get cake or some kind of sweets but no he wasn't. You herd light sniffs. Wait was that coming from L's room. You knock. No answer the sniffing stopped. "Hello?" you call as you popped your head though the doorway. L Was curled up on his bed. "Oh no." you said softly climbing on the bed with L. "Go away." he mumbled. You shake your head. "Sorry no can do." you say rapping an arm around him. Finally look at at his face. Tears flowing you have never seen him like this. "I don't know where to start there is 100000 people around here and any one could be kira. Every one is counting on me. So what if I'm L. Im just human you know." L said all at once more tears flow. "shhh don't cry I promise if any thing happened to you I would die of sadness. Don't worry I'm here with you." you say as L shoves his head on your shoulder. " you shouldn't die for me I'm not special." L said "You are special and intelligent and kindest man I have ever met." you said wiping some of his tears away. "What if I fail?" L said. "No you won't justice will prevail." you say. You let him break down. You knew that he was strong and he had bottled his emotions for a very very long time and now it over flowed he had to spill his emotions. "I'm probably just stressed." he said. You smile lightly. "I love you L." You say sincerely. "I love you too." L said. You leaned in to kiss him. Of course L loving you back he kissed you back. His lips where soft and gentle. trust me you liked that he was kind and all the kawii thing but you wanted more. You pressed your lips harder on his. He got the idea and kissed you back passionately. He is fingers playing with the helm of your shirt. Suddenly you felt his cold finger tips on you stomach slowly go up. "L." You sighed but it came out more like a moan. L kissed your neck. Suddenly he stopped and looked at you. Removing your shirt. You sat There on his lap with out a shirt. He looked at you. he looked at you stomach and your sides. Suddenly you felt insecure. "I know I'm not the pretty type." you say looking down not wanting to face him. L kissed  your neck "your beautiful " L said. You blushed. Then L pushed you down on the bed so he would be on top. "I love you Y/N and your the most beautiful girl ever." you smiled "thank you" you mumble. Then going back to making out again. The room was getting hotter by minute. "Hey L." Light walked in. "I'm I interrupting something?"  he asked. You and L looked at each other. A clear blush on both of your faces. "Sorry to intrude but kira is killing again and I think he is trying to let something out because of another suicide letter that makes no sense." L nodded. and graved your shirt. "Here." he said kissed you and left you like that.

°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° TIME SKIP brought to you by.... LIGHT IS RUINING THE LEMON!!!!°°°°°(¬_¬)°°°

"Hey light!" you call and enter his house there was no one.. You just came to check on pepe. But you looked at the stairs which lead to lights room. The curiosity was killing you. "Hello?" you call once again No answer. You quietly go up the stairs. Leading into lights room when you got there you look at a book shelf. Hmm Light has good taste in books. But something catch your eye. A black note book it was smaller than the other books. You grab it.

"Death note?" you say out loud.

"Hmm what's a death note?" you ask out loud again.

"Heh I think I would have hidden it better..."

You looked back and screamed they where real. Shinigami . there real



Well that was interesting.... Especially the part where you and L where making out and nasty things...... I no long have an innocent mind
Sorry mom.... And friends...hehe if one of friends read this I would never show maw face!!!!! Its horrible!!! I can't wright Lemons... Well I can it just the lemon wouldn't be Interesting. I don't know guys do you think I should Wright a lemon??????? *lenny face*

I don't know let the readers decide

Bye -A!!!!

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