It's High Time

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"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it." I'm stuck in my Life 101 class, and we're watching Ferris Bueller's Day Off to help teach us about making life choices. I thought it's kind of an interesting way to teach this topic, but I'm not complaining. My mind isn't on the movie though. I'm replaying the scene at lunch over and over. I just can't get it out of my head. I need to know that shaggy haired guy's name. The bell dismisses us from class making me flash back to school. Quickly, I gather up my stuff and rush out the door. I clutch my binder under my arm and begin searching for the now recognizable shaggy hair that would lead me to a name. As I walk down the hall analyzing every possible shaggy haired guy, I hear a thud and the sound of papers fluttering to the ground ahead. A Justin victim. He just knocked someone's binder to the floor and he's glaring right at me. It's like he's asking me with his eyes, what are you gunna do about it? He just doesn't know how to stop does he.

I trudge over to the papers that are scattered on the floor and pick them up along with a few pencils. Justin grabs the collar of my jean jacket and tugs, forcing me upright.

"What do you think you're doing Codi, I thought you agreed to stay out of my way." and he suddenly lets go of my jacket.

"I agreed to nothing. I know though, that I told you to stop messing with other people." I narrow my eyes, but cautiously leave space between us.

"Well, I guess things don't always work out like they're supposed to then, huh?"

"I guess not." I retort sarcastically. I look over to see Justin's victim reorganizing his binder. I hand him over the things I had picked up. He thanks me, then continues down the hall clutching his binder tightly against his chest. I try to continue on my way as well but Justin faces me, shoving my shoulders with his powerful arms. I fall backwards against a wall, knocking out some of my breath. I gasp as I make an effort to stand up, dropping my binder, and Justin places himself in front of me, his legs sturdily apart. His hands clench at his sides and his face tenses as his dark eyes narrow in on mine. I wince as he grasps my wrist making me feel every pulse that shoots numbly through my arm, causing it to tingle in response to the lack of circulation. He leans in closer to my face, "Do I really have to warn you to stay out of my way again?" and before I can answer, someone else steps up saying, "Hey big guy, let it go." and Justin jerks sideways narrowing his eyes at the intruder. I take my chance and slide a few steps away from the wall stealing a glance over at Justin. I notice a guy confronting him, telling him to stop bothering me. Justin shoulders passed him. I know who the guy is, right when he turns around, by his perfect face.

Brier's sea green eyes glimmer in triumph as he walks over to me. I stand in alarm. Brier stopped Justin, and surprisingly he listened, shocker.

"Are you okay?" He asks with a handsome one-sided grin.

"I'm fine, thanks." I know I'm blushing badly so I look down at my feet. He dips his head and smiles as he looks into my lowered eyes and leads them back up with his.

"You better hurry, you don't want to be late for class." He winks, then gives me a gentle nudge with his elbow. I don't know what to say, so I just walk off smiling all the way to art class. It's funny though how teachers never seem to notice what goes on in the hallways. Granted, I don't exactly want them to be watching our every move inside and outside of class, but it would be nice if Justin actually got caught in the act for once.

Right when I sit down in my seat the tardy bell rings. Art class finally begins and the teacher immediately starts passing out gray rubber-like slabs and sharp metal carving tools. Everyone wastes time pondering on what they want to make, but not me. I already know and it's gunna be something amazing.

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