So Close

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The doors had opened five minutes ago and I still haven't seen Brier or Trevor. I glance up and down the hallway as I open my locker feeling oddly lonely. I smile at the drawing I'd created of Brier and I. Of course I still like Brier. I just wonder if he thinks of me differently now. After I drop off my things in math class I decide to stroll down the hallway casually passing the band room to see if Brier is there. I head towards a corner at the edge of the hallway near the back of the school, when I hear a few guys talking. I wasn't sure if I should stay back, walk past, or turn around, but before I can decide I hear one say, "He's got that girl wrapped around his finger." I began to picture him as a rough looking short brunette. "This is none of your business, so stay out of it." The other guy practically spat the words and I sense a sneer in his voice. Gosh. Strangely the voice sounded familiar, but in a tone that was deeper, stronger,...surreptitious. I hear the quick shuffling of feet as someone was pushed up against a wall. I know there's another person present, so why aren't they saying anything? I shake my head, what am I doing! I'm eavesdropping. Shame. I hear them coming around the corner and swiftly slide into the closest place, the girls' restroom. I don't want them thinking that I heard anything, that'd be awkward.

After a few moments of waiting, I exit the bathroom when I hope the coast is clear. I look to my left and notice Trevor walking down the hall.

"Trevor!" He's facing away from me, and before turning around he slides a hand down his face, then turns around with a smile.

"Hey! Glad to see you're doing better, that's a good sign?" He asks cautiously.

I nod enthusiastically. "Have you seen Brier?" I ask and immediately his smile fades, but he just shrugs. "It's a simple yes or no question Trevor." I raise an eyebrow.

He hesitates. "Mmmm, I don't exactly go around looking for him." He balances on his toes in anticipation, "wanna walk around?"

"Sure-" but a hug embraces me from behind and I see Trevor roll his eyes in considerable annoyance.

"Hey Codi," Brier half whispers.

"I'll see ya later," Trevor vaguely points to me with his brace covered hand, then stuffs his hands into his sweater pocket and shifts away.

"Oh, bye Trevor!" I smile. It doesn't seem like Brier thinks of me any differently. "I'm sorry about Saturday..." I sigh.

"No, I'm sorry, that was forward of me. I apologize." He turns me around and looks me in the eyes. I grin. I over thought everything. The bell rings for class and we walk together until he gives me a hug goodbye. I walk into math totally thrilled to sit with Clarissa and Riley again, yay for assigned seating! Grr. Lillie sits beside me sighing, her and I exchange glances thinking the same exact thing. This is the longest class of the day, besides history of course.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"I like watching you draw, you make cute faces." Brier teases as he watches me doodle on my math homework.

"It's called Focus class for a reason, I can't focus without my drawing faces." I tease back nudging his elbow. For Focus class Brier decided to stay with me because he didn't have anywhere else he'd rather go, or at least that's what he told me. He laughs slightly as he scribbles a guitar next to my small ensemble of spiraling words and sparkling stars. I nod towards his drawing scratched out in hurried lines. It's not bad, I shrug, but it also isn't good. I snicker quietly. "That guitar is totally rockin'..."

Brier looks up, "Ouch, Codi. Your sarcasm stings! I'm afraid you have caused some damage to my ego." He tries to seem hurt, but only ends up smirking.

I roll my eyes and pout my lips, "Awe Brier, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean it." He looks at me half smiling and half upset, so I give him a friendly pat on the head.

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