The Video

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 It's almost time for Biology. I've successfully avoided Trevor and Brier all morning, and I admit to having butterflies in my stomach as the clock ticks nearer to the end of my Creative Writing class. I have no desire to see Brier today, or Trevor for that matter. I still need time to figure about what I'm supposed to say or how I'm supposed to solve this conflict. Even though I was up most the night thinking about all this, my wandering thoughts were no help to me. I know I need more information, but the million dollar question is, how will I know the truth? The bell rings and I hesitantly head out of class. I'm indecisive if I should quickly go to Biology or casually take my time getting there, but before I make a choice Brier steps beside me. My nerves fluctuate as he stays silent. I decide I need to say something.

"Whatcha thinking about?" is the best I can come up with.

"A lot of things, most of them related to us, and Trevor. I'm more interested in what you're thinking though. More along the lines of, who do you believe?" we near the science room and stand outside it for a little while.

"I'm not really sure yet." I mutter.

"Do you want me to get rid of Trevor for you? I can make him leave you alone if he's bothering you." He suggests a little too aggressively.

"That won't be necessary, he's not bothering me, he's my friend, just let me decide what to do okay? I don't want this to get any crazier than it needs to. Besides, I haven't seen him all day."

"Alright, just know I care about you, okay?" he says as we head to our seats. He cares about me huh? We'll see about that. I sit in my chair as the bell rings and the lesson starts. I'm glad I won't have to choose whom to eat lunch with today since I have to leave for track districts in about an hour or so. Now that's something I'm excited about, meets were always enjoyable and I'm determined to do my best. I know I will do good, as long as I keep my head straight.

Brier glances over at me for the fifth or sixth time, by now I've lost track. I struggle writing my notes as words are scribbled anxiously across the page about Darwin's Evolution Theory. I know I should trust what Trevor says, he's been my friend for the longest time and I know he would never lie to me, but I've heard jealousy is a nasty demon that can change someone's course of action. Class is over and students rush to grab their things as they pack up and leave out the door like it's their last chance for freedom. Biology will do that to some people. Without looking in Brier's direction, I set my things in my Focus class seat, only 20 minutes to go until I would leave for the track meet. "Hey, can I stay with you during Focus?" Brier slides the words into my ear as he walks past, turning to face me. I look up at him and try to decide what to do as I groan inside my head. "Come on, we're still friends, nothing's changed." My old tender feelings for him swell up inside me. I try to fight them away, but I nod and he quickly occupies the seat next to me, and scoots closer to my side. Codi you idiot. He pulls out his iPhone that everyone seems to have except me. He turns on the screen and goes on the internet, searching for a video. "I want to show you something," he raises a sly eyebrow as he slides his finger across the screen and grins. Should I be suspicious? Because I'm starting to get that uncomfortable prickling feeling that I shouldn't watch whatever it is he wants to show me. I notice Justin walk in and over to his seat. He notices me looking at him and nods once revealing a small smirk. He steps over towards me and something inside me feels oddly relieved. Brier nudges me and widens the screen so I can see the video better, "This is it," he says, "just watch." He looks around before his smile widens. I look at him, then at Justin, trying not to look obvious that I'm pleading for an interruption. Thankfully Justin utters, "Hey whatcha watchin'?"

"You know that one Minecraft video?" Brier's sideways smile looks ravenous and I tilt my head in surprise, what the heck. Justin blinks, clearly taken aback as he replies more quietly, "The Minecraft video?" I scrunch my eyebrows in confusion as I look between the two guys. The emphasis Justin made on the word 'the' makes a sick knot twist uncomfortably my stomach and I fidget in my seat.

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