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The coach's whistle blows, and we line up side by side for our warm ups. The gym feels so empty with only the athletes for Districts practicing. As I do my lunges I notice a little less than a third of the team is here, and it makes me feel proud to qualify. As we do A and B skips the coaches correct us on our posture and form more than ever. I feel like a robot, uniform and straight. Going into the next set of sprints Trevor whispers behind me with a smirk flowing in his voice as he rushes by, "Why so...serious?" I gradually grow faster until I step in pace with him. Without noticing how close the wall was becoming I slip on a mat and fall on my butt as the rest of the team races off into the next round. Trevor looks at me covering a laugh as he reaches out a hand in my direction. I sigh heavily as he pulls me up and the coaches yell at us to stop messing around. That's embarrassing. I continue my jogging, now behind the group instead of ahead.

"Here's the deal," Coach Rush calls out to no one in particular as we sit on the floor stretching our legs and arms. "Districts are tomorrow and with that today is going to be an easy day, but that doesn't mean you should be lazy. You should've been preparing for this day by eating right and getting the rest you need, and continuing to do so. Water is your friend. There's a slight chance of rain tomorrow so be prepared, bring sweaters, umbrellas and other necessities. Got it?"

"Yes sir!" We all shout in unison.

"Now an easy 2 mile jog for everyone today and that's it, core is optional." I high five Trevor, easy day on a Monday, there's nothing better than that. "Now get to work! Report back when you're finished." Everyone jumps up and we all rush out the door into the late afternoon sun as it gleams from the exit. Trevor and I look at each other ready for a 2 mile run. It can't be that extensive for us sprinters.

Maybe now I can ask Trevor about his concerns on Saturday. I heave in another breath and slow down my jogging just a touch so I'd be able to talk to him easier. He instantly slows down as well seeming relieved as we run equally side by side.

"So Trevor..." I pause making sure I have his attention. His affirming glance eases me to continue to my point, "What are you so concerned about with Brier?" I say cautiously.

"What, what do you mean?" He's states, but I know he knows exactly what I mean.

"When you said, 'I'm scared for you, I know what he's capable of', where did that come from?" I try to intimidate his serious tone from before only to make him smirk. "Come on Trevor." I start to get a little aggravated about this secrecy. 

"Can we talk about this later please?" He asks breathing considerably.

"How come?"

"This long distance running is killing me." I lighten up a bit, the poor guy is tired.

I sigh deeply, "Fine, but that means I will bring it up again."

"As long as it's later. Seriously, how are you talking? It's insane!" He takes another deep breath as he gives me a complimentary glance.

Shrugging I move my legs a little faster than before. "Multitasking?" I flash him a sly grin.

"You wizard!" He shakes his head catching up to me. "How much longer?"

"Umm, we've been going for about 15 minutes, so I think maybe five more. Come on, you can do it! We're almost back at the high school." I point out looking around at the familiar surroundings of fences and houses.

"Good, a minute more and I think you would've had to carry me back."

"That bad?"

He nods rushing ahead probably just wanting to get done. "I can see it! The high school has never looked so amazing!" I laugh. I almost forgot about his asthma, no wonder it's killing him, his body isn't use to the distance. 

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