Chapter 3

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She followed her sister and their two mentors back into camp. You did a really good job today both of you Birdsong praised them. She beamed with pride and saw Badgerclaw nod In agreement. As Badgerclaw and Birdsong padded away she saw Amberleaf hurry towards them. How was it she asked. It was great we got to see the elm watch, training clearing, and the pond Hazelpaw said. Well that sounds great how about you get some prey from the prey pile she mewed. She nodded as she realized she was starving. She padded over to the prey pile and grabbed a lizard. Hazelpaw sat next to her taking a frog. Do you think we will get to do training tommorow she asked her. I don't know maybe we will get to do hunting she replied. She stood up as she finished her lizard, feeling better but exhausted. I  am going to go to sleep she meowed,yawning. Me too Hazelpaw agreed. When she padded into the apprentices den she looked around and saw Windpaw. She was about to ask which nest was hers when Windpaw spoke, There are two empty nests over there she meowed pointing towards two nests towards the back. Thank you she meowed as she walked over to her nest and plopped down darkness taking over as she slipped into sleep.

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