Chapter 13

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Dawnpaw was stalking a mouse when her mind wandered back to Brightpaw. She was jerked back to present when her paw hit the water causing a little splash. The frog she had been stalking hipped away and she leaped, but she was already too late. Dawnpaw you need to pay attention more Badgerclaw scolded.

"Sorry I am just worried about Brightpaw" she confessed. Badgerclaw features softened

" Well maybe if you catch something you could take it to her when you get back after you feed the elders " He suggested.

" Yes" she said excitedly. She worked harder after that managing to catch a lizard and a swamp bird. She padded over to the prey pile and deposited the lizard before padding over to the elders den when she entered the elders looked at her curiously." I brought you some prey" she exlplained.

"Oh we already got some you can take it or give it to someone else" Lilyfoot reassured.

"Okay" she mewed. She padded over to the medicine den and when she emerged she saw Brightpaw was asleep in a nest. Mapleleaf looked up and when she saw the swamp bird in her jaws her eyes shone with gratitude. "Thank you" she murmured before padding over to Brghtpaw and setting the bird down gently next to her. She was about to leave before Maplelaf asked her if she would mind grabbing some water for Brightpaw. She shook her head and grabbed some moss before setting off to The Pond. When she arrived at the pond she dipped the moss in the water and let it fill up before taking it out. When she arrived back at camp and to the medicine den. When she entered the medicine den she saw that Brightpaw was still curled up, her flank rising and falling. "Thank you" Mapleleaf said. Dawnpaw nodded and slipped out of the den spotting Windpaw sitting glumly near the back of the camp, chewing half-heartedly at a frog. She felt a pang of pity as she walked over. When she sat down she remembered last night and felt a wave of guilt. " Hi I am sorry about last night" she apologized. Windpaw looked over at her and a light of surprise but also gratitude.

"It's okay" she reassured her. "I am sorry I went off" She added.

"That's okay" assured her. "I saw her in Mapeleafs den" she began.

"Really is she okay" Windpaw interrupted.

"She seemed okay" she meowed. Windpaw let out a relieved sigh, "I am sure she will pull through" she mewed. She meant it Brightpaw was a strong cat and she was sure she would find some way. She saw Hazelpaw bound over and she mewed a greeting. As they talked Amberleaf came over and talked to her and Hazelpaw before leaving her to talk with her friends. She evntually went to her nest along with Windpaw, curling up into her nest and slipping into sleep.

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