Chapter 16

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Dawnpaw blinked open her eyes and she saw sunlight streaming through the den. She yawned and stretched and wonderedand why she hadn't been woken up earlier. When she padded out of the den she saw Badgerclaw chatting with Leopardclaw who was a senior warrior as well as Badgerclaw. She padded over and waited respectfully while Leopardclaw finshed her conversation and said goodbye. "Why didn't you wake me up" she asked when Leopardclaw had left.

"I thought you should get some more sleep after yesterday" Badgerclaw replied. Dawnpaw felt felt gratitude wash through her.

"Thank you" she meowed. Badgerclaw nodded and said

"You have to go clean the elders den with Hazelpaw" Their punishment came back to her and she stopped herself from groaning as she nodded. When she arrived in the den she saw Hazelpaw was already in there. Hazelpaw already had moss next to her and was cleaning out the nests while the elders seemed to be telling a tale. She walked over and took some moss beginning to clean out Volefur's nest.

"Whats going on" she asked.'

"Lilyfoot is telling us the story of Silvershade and Blacktail" She whispered. Dawnpaw perked upright as she listened, Blacktail had been a rogue who had come to the clan and become a warrior. Silvershade found out that his real plan had been to take over Swampclan and kill Falconstar who had been the leader at the time. Silvershade had exposed Blacktail and later killed him when he came back to her for revenge. She tuned in moreto the story and Lilyfoot was at the spot where Silvershade had discovered Blacktails treachery.

"Silvershade went back to camp and warned Falconstar who followed her back to the spot later and later exiled Blacktail" She meowed. "Later though Blacktail came back and attacked Silvershade but Silvershade overcame him and killed Blacktail ridding the swamp of his menace once and for all' Lilyfoot finished.Dawnpaw was still working when Lilyfoot was done. Hazelpaw began pestering Lilyfoot with questions and she occasionally joined, Lillyfoot sometimes telling hazelpaw to work. when she was finally done she thanked lilyfoot for the stories before leaving the den and padding over to her mentor, and before she reached him Hazelpaw said a quick goodbye as they separated and she padded over to Badgerclaw

"You have to see Mapleleaf before we go" he told her when she reached him. She nodded and and padded over to the medicine den, when she entered she saw Brightpaw,Mistcloud,Beeflight, and Mudwhisker.

"Yes " she heard a voice ask. She nearly jumped out of her fur before she realized it was Mapeleaf "Sorry that i scared you" she apologized.

"It's fine" she reassured her, "I came here to get my wounds checked" she added. Mapleleaf nodded and checked her wounds Mapleleaf taking off the old ons and applying the new ones. After that Mapleleaf studied her for a few more heartbeats before deeming her okay to train. As she walked out she she said a quick thank you before paddling out and over to Badgerclaw who was waiting patiently by the entrance. Badgerclaw beckoned for her to follow and padded out of camp. She bounded after him, noticing the winds had quickened and became harsher as leaf-bare continued to draw near. As they padded on she realized they were going The pond. They were nearly there when suddenly the sweet scent of a shrew drifted up her nose. Signaling Badgerclaw to stop she crept forward and spotted it sitting beside a tree she wiggled her haunches and leaped jumping on it and delivering a quick killing bit to its nuck.

"Good job" Badgerclaw praised her.

"Thank you" she replied, pride flowing through her, When they emerged into The Pond she saw a squirrel on top of the rocks next to the pool. She started walking forward and hesitated, if she made a wrong move she could end up in the pond. She glanced back at Badgerclaw and he gave her a encouraging nod. She crept stealthily to the rock and slinked forward being careful not to make any noise. Suddenly a rock clinked as her paw hit it and the squirrel perked up starting to race away. She lunged forward but missed narrowly avoiding falling into the pond. She scrambled away from the edge and watched the squirrels retreating form. She leaped down from the rocks and Badgerclaw rushed over to her. "Are you okay I am sorry I thought you would make it" Badgerclaw mewed.

"Yeah I am it's fine" She responded.

"We can do a little more and then we can go back to camp" Badgerclaw told her. She noddded and followed Badgerclaw through the swamp.

She managed to catch a shrew and two mice before she arrived back at the camp. When she arrived she saw Windpaw padding out of the medicine den, looking owrried. She depsosited prey on the prey pile and paddded over to her.

'Were you visiting Brightpaw" she asked.

Windpaw nodded and her eyes showed sadness "What did Mapleleaf say" She mewed.

"She says that one of Windpaws eyes is damaged" Windpaw replied sadly.

"Will she be okay" She questioned.

"Yes but she might not be able to be a warrior anymore since she an't see out of it anymore" Windpaw mewed.

"That's awful" She sympathized but she didn't push Windpaw any further since she seemed pretty torn up. She ate next to the prey pile with Windpaw attempting to make small talk but eventually gave uo letting Windpaw think. Hazelpaw padded into camp depositing the prey, she settled next to them and Windpaw said a goodbye padding over to the apprentices de and slipping inside. She saw a flash of hurt go accross Hazelpaws eyes.

"It has nothing to do with you she is just upset about Brightpaw" She reaassured her.

"Did she hear anything new" Hazelpaw asked , Dawnpaw quickly explained what Windpaw had told her and Hazelpaw offered a few sympathetic words. Suddenly she remembered what had happened in the battl ewith Amberleaf and the Springclan warrior, she had assumed it was because that must be the tom who had killed thier father but then why had he said it was a accident. Hazelpaw was talking some more but then stopped,
"What's wrong" She asked.

"I just remembered what happned in the battle last night" She explained. Hazelpaw looked confused for a heartbeat but then seemed to remember.

"What about it" She mewed.

"THe tom said it was a acciddent I was wondering what he meant by that" she meowed.

"I don't know I guess you could ask her" Hazelpaw replied. She looked up and saw that Amberleaf was walking over to them now.

"Hi" she mewed brightly when she got over.

"Hi I have a question" she told her.

"Yes" Amberleaf asked looking at her curiously.

"What did the tom mean in the battle when he said it was a accident" she asked. Suddenly Amberleafs expression hardened and a look of grief and anger entered her eyes so fierce that she nearly shrinked back.

"You knew he was talking about Stonepelt, right?"she asked. She nodded, "Well what he said was a lie Stonepelt was trying to rescue both of you and he killed him" She stated angrily. Dawnpaw nodded baffled by the amount of emotion that had entered her mothers eye but she didn't get a chance to ask before Amberleaf said she was going to eat with some other warriors and grabbed some prey before walking off saying a quick goodbye.

Hi guys I hope you like this chapter and if you want you can vote and comment or just one. Habve a goodnight I will most likely update on Saturday I might before then too also sorry I edited this again and in the last part with Amberleaf I forgot to have them ask her in the last chapter so here is the new chapter and I hope you like it

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