Chapter 4

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Dawnpaw heard shuffling inside the den and blinked a eye open groggily, seeing Adderpaw getting up for a patrol. She let out a sigh and closed her eyes again snuggling deeper into her nest as she tried to go back to sleep. She slowly sank back to sleep. She felt like she had only been asleep for a couple heartbeats before somebody shook her. She grumbled and blinked open her eyes. She saw Hazelpaw standing over her looking at her and she," wake up sleepyhead" she said teasingly.
"Okay" she grumbled, getting up and stretching.
"Badgerclaw wants you Hazelpaw told her.
"Okay" she said, yawning. As she padded out of the den with Hazelpaw behind her she saw Birdsong and Badgerclaw waiting.
When she got over she waited expectantly before Badgerclaw started speaking, "you and Hazelpaw have to clean the elders den" he explained.
"Are we doing training today" she asked. Badgerclaw nodded and she and Hazelpaw started going to the elders den before Badgerclaw called after her,"You have to go to the medicine den to get bedding". Oh thank you she called back, blushing with embarrassment.
She rushed over to the medicine den with Hazelpaw and When entered the den Mapleleaf was mixing up some herbs. She was about to say something when Mapleleaf looked up " Is anything wrong" she asked kindly. "No I just need some mouse bile" she explained. Mapleleaf nodded and led them to the back of the den and quickly grabbed some bile. "Thank you" she said.
She and Hazelpaw padded over to the elders den and when they got in the den Lillyfoot was grooming herself in the corner while Mossberry and Volefur chatted. I assume you've come to clean the bedding Lilyfoot meowed when she looked up. She nodded, "Okay get on with it" Lilyfoot ordered. She tried not to take offense to Lillyfoots abrupt order. As she started putting in new bedding Mossberry turned towards them. Make the bedding nice and comfy Mossberry told her.Dawnpaw nodded and Mossberry turned away and countinued talking to Volefur. Dawnpaw listened to the elders for a while before tuning out and continuing to work.Eventually Hazelpaw shook her. We have to move onto the other nests Hazelpaw mewed. Ok she said. When they finally were done the elders inspected their nests. They could have done better Mossberry muttered. You guys did a great job Lily foot annouced shooting a look at Mossberry. She left the den Hazelpaw trailing after her to their mentors for training.

When Dawnpaw arrived to her mentors she looked at Badgerclaw "what are we doing today" she asked eagerly", kneading the ground with anticipation.
"We will be doing hunting" he responded. Dawnpaw felt a twinge of excitement at the thought of finally being able to hunt. Hazelpaw isn't coming with us she asked in disappointment, glancing back.
"No" Badgerclaw replied.
They had been walking for a couple of heartbeats when Badgerclaw stopped. "What do you smell" he asked.
As she snuffed the air she smelled the scent of mouse and looked around. As she looked around she pinpointed the mouse in a clump of ferns. She looked up at Badgerclaw for approval and he nodded. She crounched down and stalked forward trying to keep her paw steps light like  Sedgebush had showed her and her sister once when Sedgebush was a apprentice. Suddenly she felt a squelch under her paws and let out a hiss of annoyance as she lunged forward. She flailed a claw out trying to grab the mouses tail but fell to the ground. As she got back up she looked at her pelt which was streaked with mud she lashed her tail in frustration. "It's ok its very rare for a apprentice to catch prey on their first try" Badgerclaw reassured her. Now you have to be very careful when you step so you don't make any noise"
She tried her best to copy him as she crouched down setting her paws down lightly.
"You are doing better now Badgerclaw praised her. "Follow me we can try to find more prey to see if you can catch something".
She followed Badgerclaw through the marshy expanse puddles and clumps of ferns dotting the ground along with the occasional tree. As she sniffed the air she caught the scent of a frog.
"Wait I smell a frog" she mewed, pointing towards a puddle. Badgerclaw gave her a approving nod and flicked his tail for her to go. She crouched down stalking forward and placing her paws down carefully. She was close to the frog and bunched her muscles and leaped landing on the frog and delivering a quick killing bite. "Nice job" Badgerclaw praised her.
She looked down at the frog beaming with pride. The rest of the day they hunted and when the were finally done, she looked up and saw the sun setting, staining the sky scarlet. They walked back and when she entered camp she saw Hazelpaw sitting with Windpaw Adderpaw and Brightpaw. When she walked over she nudged Hazelpaw. "Look what I caught" she said proudly.

"Good job" Hazelpaw congratulated.

"Yes good job" Windpaw agreed.
She noticed that Adderpaw and Brightpaw didn't join in but she pushed down a pang of hurt. We aren't that close and they might've not seen she reassured herself. She saw Dewfall come to the prey pile and Amberleaf come over but the two sisters ignored each other. For some reason the two sisters had seemed to despise each other and stay out of each other's way and would only talk occasionally. She was drawn back to the present as she heard Brightpaw talking to her What did you do for training today she asked.
"Hunting she replied.
What did you catch she questioned.
A frog she said mewed
"I caught  a mouse and two lizards she said self importantly. Dawnpaw felt a stab of hurt and thought about giving a retort but decided not to, instead
She nodded and finished her mouse feeling a little confused and hurt at Brightpaws self important attitude. She saw Hazelpaw shoot her a bewildered glance but she was soon caught up in the conversation again. She saw Windpaw shoot her a reassuring glance and she leaned in whispering, " is okay she's very confident and can feel self important at times" she reassured her. She nodded and stayed there for a little bit before going to her den with Windpaw, Hazelpaw deciding to stay with Brightpaw and Adderpaw. As she curled up to sleep she wondered what tomorrow would be like but she didn't have a lot of time to think before she sank into sleep.

Hi I just edited this chapter again so I hoped you liked it and if you want you can vote and comment

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