Chapter 30

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Dawnpaw,Ivypaw, and Hazelpaw padded along solemnly before Ivypaw broke the silence. "We should go to Mistclan" Ivypaw said. Dawnpaw mulled that over for a heartbeat, a little hesitant but knew they had nowhere else to go. Dawnpaw and Hazelpaw nodded consent and continued walking until they reached Mistclans territory. They had been walking for several heartbeats when the sun began to set, staining the sky red.
"We should stop her and find camp and also hunt" Dawnpaw said briskly. Ivypaw and AHazelpaw nodded and started looking for shelter. Dawnpaw was inspecting a holly bush when she heard Hazelpaw yowl. Pricking her ears she bounded over. Hazelpaw was standing next to a gnarled oak tree with a branch hanging above it and plenty of space for the three of them.
"That's perfect" Ivypaw declared. Dawnpaw was a little surprised by Ivypaws sudden friendly attitude but she guessed since they were all in the same boat Ivypaw had decided to play nice.
"How about you go gather moss for us to sleep in and me and Dawnpaw can go hunting" Ivypaw suggested. Dawnpaw was about to nod when Ivypaw turned as if it was a done deal. Dawnpaw scurried after her but stopped when Ivypaw turned around.
"What" she asked in puzzlement.
"Look just because I am acting nice doesn't mean we are suddenly all friends, you still got me kicked out of my clan" Ivypaw said. Dawnpaws mouth gaped open in surprise  as Ivypaw whipped around and dissepeared into the undergrowth. Dawnpaw turned around and stomped away furiously, steaming. She tried to calm down and concentrate on the hunting but her moves were slow and uncalculated and she let out a curse as a squirrel scittered up a tree. She kept on trying and caught a mouse, feeling a little satisfied as the bones crunched in her teeth. Picking up her catch she padded back to their shelter her body casting shadows as she walked in the moonlit forest. When she arrived Ivypaw and Hazelpaw had already gotten there and were feasting on Ivypaws catches.
"Rough hunt" her sister asked sympathetically. Dawnpaw just nodded feeling her rage burning up as she saw Ivypaw smirk. She set her meager catch down and took some kind of animal. SwampClan had only had swamp creatures but from nursery tales she thought this was a shrew. She wouldn't share confess she didn't know though, Ivypaw would just laugh. She bit into the creature and felt a explosion of tastes. It was weird but kind of pleasent.
"Did all the prey run away from you Dawnpaw?" Ivypaw sneered. She saw Hazelpaw glare at Ivypaw but Dawnpaw ignored the jibe, knowing Ivypaw was just being angry and resentful. They ate the rest of the meal I'm somber silence. When it was finally time to go to bed Dawnpaw curled up next to Hazelpaw, away from Ivypaw.
"Night" Hazelpaw whispered.
"Night" she whispered back. Dawnpaw tried to sleep  but something was eating away at her. She couldn't stop thinking about Amberleaf. Despite the bad things she had done she was still her mother and she feared for her. What if a rouge had attacked her or a fox had gotten her. Finally she heaved herself out of bed unable to stand it anymore. She was leaving forgetting about Hazelpaw when she heard her sister speak,
"Dawnpaw what are you doing" her sister mumbled.
"I have to find Amberleaf" she said.
"Are you mouse-brained? Don't you remember everything she did?" Hazelpaw exclaimed.
"I know but I just have to, please Hazelpaw" she begged. She heard Hazelpaw sigh and heave herself up.
"I wish you wouldn't do this but if you are I am coming with you" Hazelpaw stated.
"Thanks Hazelpaw" she murmured.
"Yeah, don't mention it" Hazelpaw replied. Dawnpaw padded out and sat there for a heartbeat with Hazelpaw. "Lead the way" Hazelpaw said. Dawnpaw nodded and padded through the forest her heart thudding. A owl hooted in a tree and she jumped, her pelt burning with embarrassment. "It's just a owl" Hazelpaw pointed out.
"I know" she snapped. She felt a little guilty but was distracted as a scream of pain split the air.
"That sounds like Amberleaf" she said, recognizing the call. "Follow me" she ordered. She raced through the forest, wind streaming through her pelt and Hazelpaw right behind her. When they burst through the undergrowth she saw A,berleaf lying on her side blood streaming from her belly and a badger standing in front of her ready to end her mothers life. She let out a screech and leaped on the badger clawing its back, the badger let out a bellow and shook her off sending her directly into a tree. Pain fired up her back and her eyes blurred for a heartbeat but she struggled back up. She saw Hazelpaw was circling around the badger, swiping at it with unsheathed claws. The badger let out a grunt and swung at Hazelpaw hitting her in the side. Hazelpaw gasped and fell to the ground, her legs crumpling. Dawnpaw darted forward and ran her claws down the badgers side. She dodged as the badger swiped at her but on the third time hit and sent her flying into a thorn bush. Pain spiked all over her pelt and she let out a yowl of pain as dozens of prickles dig into her pelt. She sa stud badger was lumbering towards her and thought it was the end when a tabby and white pelt streaked through the air. Ivypaw she thought relief flowing through her. Dawnpaw struggled through the pain and got up flinging herlesf at the badger. She pummeled it pelt but the badger threw her off again. She let out a growl of frustration.
"Dawnpaw follow my lead" Ivypaw yowled. Dawnpaw raced over and swiped at the badger as Ivypaw did copying her movements. This had gone on for a few heartbeats when Hazelpaw staggered over. She fell in behind the badger. They did what Ivypaw and Dawnpaw had been doing when the badger gave up and fled.
"Amberleaf" Dawnpaw cried. She gasped as she came over. The ground around Amberleaf was covered in blood and so was she. "Get cobwebs" she said, she saw Hazelpaw nod and run away.
"I don't think she is going to make it Dawnpaw she has lost a lot of blood it looks like and her breathing is ragged" Ivypaw said gently.
""She might" she responded, glaring at Ivypaw.
"I am so sorry my kits, I was a terrible mother and did terrible things" Amberleaf said faintly.
"No you weren't and you are going to be fine" Dawnpaw said firmly. Hazelpaw came over and Dawnpaw put cobwebs on Amberleafs wounds.
"There is still another kit alive I spared one" Amberleaf said.
"What? What do you mean?" Dawnpaw asked as the light faded from Amberleafs eyes.

I hope everybody who reads this likes this chapter and please and/or comment and vote! I am editing this chapter to say this book is almost done and I have a plan for another book after I finish this one.

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