Chapter 9

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Her eyes are blue

She raked her claws along the foxes pelt and let out a yelp as the fox threw her off,  she winced as she landed a flash of pain going across her shoulder. Frogleap let out a yowl of anger and leaped on the fox, the rest of the patrol following. Dawnpaw scrambled back up but as she crouched, ready to leap back into battle the fox stumbled backwards letting out a snarl before disappearing into the swamp. Are you okay Hazelpaw asked looking at her with concern. She nodded and stood up, ignoring the pain in her shoulder. Frogleap bounded over thank you, you saved me she gasped. Well anybody would have done it she said modestly. Oh come on none of us even noticed the fox Windpaw said butting her playfully in the shoulder. She winced and Windpaw meowed a apology. What's wrong Frogleap asked. Oh, my shoulder hurts she admitted. Frogleap opened her mouth to say something but was interrupted when Badgerclaw came over. I want you and Beeflight to take these apprentices back to camp he told her, gesturing at the three of them. Okay she mewed as Beeflight came over and they left. She trudged along behind them knowing they would be in big trouble when they got back to camp.

When she got back into camp Amberleaf rushed over, where were you she demanded her eyes shining with worry. They followed our patrol Beeflight told her gruffly. Amberleaf opened her mouth to say something but Frogleap stepped forward. Dawnpaw saved my life Amberleaf Frogleap mewed. Amberleaf turned back looking shocked. What do you mean she asked. She stopped a fox from attacking Frogleap Windpaw explained, stepping forward. She cast her a grateful glance and turned back to Amberleaf. Amberleaf opened her mouth to say something more but Mapleleaf hurried forward with a bundle of herbs on her jaws. What's going on she Marshstar told me to come over here. She looked around questoningly at the other cats and Beeflight and Frogleap began to explain. As they explained she looked at Windpaw with a pang of pity, her parents had both died when she was very young and her foster mother, Silverwing had also died. She jumped as Mapleleaf padded over to exam her shoulder. Sorry, you just startled me she mewed as Mapleleaf gave her a puzzled look. Does this hurt Mapleleaf asked, touching her shoulder gingerly. She nodded as a pang of pain passed through her shoulder. When she had finished examining Mapleleaf looked up. "It looks like a her shoulder got injured but it is nothing serious and it should be better soon" she announced. She let out a sigh of relief but it quickly turned to fear when Sedgebush approached them. Marshstar wants to see you three Sedgebush meowed, pointing towards them. She gulped as Sedgebush led them to Marshstars den.

When they emerged into Marshstars den Beechleaf and Marshstar were waiting for them. Sit down Marshstar ordered, glowering at them. Dawnpaw sat down nervously, Windpaw and Hazelpaw following. What were you thinking you could've been killed Marshstar exclaimed. With all due respect Marshstar she did save Frogleaps  life Windpaw pointed out . Marshstar looked astonished for a heartbeat but that suprise quickly melted into anger. She glared at her and Windpaw backed up, looking surprised at her leaders hostility. Go outside I will talk with you later Marshstar growled through clenched teeth. Windpaw turned to go, her head hanging when Beechleaf stepped up. Marshstar, Windpaw does make a fair point he pointed out. Marshstar looked ready to explode but seemed to regain control. She nodded and beckoned Windpaw back into the den. That is true but I cannot show favoritism in front of the clan so all of you must be punished she explained. Dawnpaw took a deep breath, waiting for the punishment. You will have to clean out the elders den for a moon she said. A moon Hazelpaw exclaimed. Yes Marshstar said. Now I would like you and Windpaw to go I want a word with Dawnpaw Marshstar finished. Me and Beechleaf would like to thank you for saving Frogleap Marshstar mewed. Oh thank you She meowed dipping her head politely. You may leave now Marshstar concluded. As she was leaving Marshstar called back and said, tell Windpaw I am sorry I was so stern with her. I will she replied as she exited the den.

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