Chapter 31

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Dawnpaw sat down in shock, replaying her mothers last words in her head. What had her mother meant and why hadn't she told them that before? She whipped her head around as Ivypaw started speaking, her voice tinged with excitement. "That means one of my half-siblings must still be alive" Ivypaw exclaimed. Dawnpaw noticed that she said half-siblings instead of siblings but she didn't have time to think about it.
"That doesn't mean anything, whoever that cat was they're probably dead by now" Hazelpaw said bitterly.
"You don't know that" Ivypaw spat, her eyes blazing.
"Calm down let's just bury Amberleaf and g back to our shelter" Dawnpaw intervened. Both cats tried to protest but she glared at them and they reluctantly went over to help her. They worked in salty silence and as they hefted Amberleaf into the hole she whispered, "bye mom"As they were covering the hole up she heard spHazslpaa snap, "watch it you're stepping on my tail"
"Oh, I'm so sorry" she heard Ivypaw mutter sarcastically. When they were finally done they tramped back to their shelter in silence.
"We should try to get some more rest before we head to Mistclan". Dawnpaw said. Hazelpaw and Ivypaw nodded and went inside the shelter. Dawnpaw followed them and curled up beside Hazelpaw, this time falling into a deep sleep.
"Dawnpaw! Wake up!" She heard Hazelpaw whisper urgently.
"Wha?" She blinked open her eyes groggily and scrambled up.
"I smell Mistclan come on let's go over to them" Hazelpaw said excitedly.
"They're probably going to be really suspicious" she objected.
"Come on it will be fine" Hazelpaw pressed. Dawnpaw nodded and was about to get out of the shelter when an unfamiliar voice said, "what are you doing here?" A brown tabby tom stood before them, peering at them with suspicious eyes. A pale gray and white she-cat stood behind hik with a dark ginger tom.
"We came looking for you" Dawnpaw explained.
"Really why is that?" The tom rumbled curiously.
"Our clan kicked us out, we were hoping we could come with you" Dawnpaw said. As she looked around she realized Ivypaw was nowhere to be seen.
"Where's Ivypaw" She whispered. Hazelpaw was about to reply when the tom spoke again.
"We will have to take you to our leader" the tom said.
"Birchfur why would you trust these cats they're SwampClan they could be trying to get us on our side" The white she-cat protested.
"Whitestream they're two apprentices I bet if that was what they wanted the leader would have come" Birchfur pointed out.
"Oh,right" Whitestream said, licking her chest fur in embarrassment. The cats started to move off and Dawnpaw felt a flare of panic as she realized they were about to leave without Ivypaw.
"Wait we had another cat with us" Dawnpaw called. Birchfur turned to respond as Dawnpaw heard pawsteps pounding towards them. She spun around and saw Ivypaw racing towards them.
"Great you found the Mistclan cats" Ivypaw said breathlessly. Dawnpaw opened her mouth to respond but Birchfur spoke again,
"I assume this is your other cat" He asked, a hint of surprise in his voice. Dawmpaw turned around and nodded. Padding forward they followed they Mistclan cats as they headed towards their camp.
"What brought you three together" Birchfur asked curiously.
"It's a long story" she replied p, not wanting to explain it to anyone, especially a stranger. Birchfur didn't press and instead moved on to a different topic.
"Sorry about Whitestream, most of my clanmates don't want to get involved in the war with your clan" Birchfur explained.
"And you" she asked.
"I would prefer not to but I would if my leader told me to" Birchfur sails shortly. When they finally reached the camp she felt amazement as she looked around the camp. Many of the dens were made out of holly bushes but the medicine cats den was a pathway dotted with ferns that led down into a rock cleft. The leaders den was a tree was lichen railing over a opening in the tree. She felt a little self-conscious as she saw cats staring at her. She saw a white tom-kit saying so,etching to his mom and gesturing to her. A group of apprentices were looking at them and whispering to each other. She looked up as she heard the lichen parting and saw Sootstar stepping towards them.
"What are these cats doing here" Sootstar asked.
"They would like to stay with us Sootstar" Birchfur explained.
Sootstar nodded and gestured for them to follow him.
"Do you want me to come Sootstar" a black tom asked. Dawnpaw recognized him from gatherings as the clans deputy but she didn't know his name. Sootstar shook his head.
"I can deal with this but thank you Ravenwing" Sootstar said. Sootstar went in and Dawnpaw followed him, shivering as the lichen trailed down her spine. Dawnpaw hurried forward and sat down Ivypaw and Hazelpaw following her lead. Once they were all seated Sootstar began speaking, "You may stay in my clan as long as you don't cause any trouble" Sootstar said. Dawnpaw felt relief wash through her but it crumbled when Ivypaw spoke,
"I'm sorry Sootstar but I can't stay" Ivypaw said. Dawnpaw felt shock creep through her, she had thought for sure Ivypaw would stay, after all it had been her idea!
"Are you ridiculous, this was your idea" Hazelpaw snapped, voicing Dawnpaws thoughts.
"That was before I knew one of my siblings were alive and what do you care" Ivypaw retorted. Dawnpaw realized she was right, why did she care Ivypaw wasn't very nice after all.
"Will you two be staying" Sootstar asked.
"Yes" Hazelpaw replied. Dawnpaw nodded, she wouldn't leave her sister.
"Okay well since you want to leave Ivypaw about these two and my warriors escort you" Sootstar suggested. Dawnpaw stopped herself from letting out a groan, the last thing she wanted to do was tramp through the woods to get Ivypaw out of the territory but she didn't want to argue with Sootstar. She padded out of the den as Sootstar went over and spoke quietly to Ravenwing. She saw him nod and gesture to three warriors. One of them a gray and black tom went over and got a brown tom while a tortishell she-cat and a gray she-cat padded over. She saw the two she-cats throw them curious glances but looked away was they realized she noticed they were staring. When everybody got over they padded off. She heard the gray she-cat whisper to the tortishell she-cat,
"Who are they?"
"I don't know" the tortishell she-cat responded. Dawnpaw ignored the whispers and continued on. Many heartbeats had passed when the cats suddenly balked. Dawnpaw stopped, whats going on she thought. She pushed past the other cats and gaped when she saw a Ivypaw rushing over to a flame-colored she-cat and a calico she-cat standing with her. Could this be the cat Amberleaf was talking about she thought.
Please vote and/or comment  and I am trying to finish this book today so stay tuned for more chapters!

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