2. Meet the family night part two.

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I hide away in my room until I absolutely have to come out. To use the bathroom of course. I knew I shouldn't have drank that slushy from sonic. I walk to the bathroom and turn the knob. Only it's locked. Freaking hell. I shift my feet trying to contain the need to pee. The door finally opens to reveal Ren. Cocksucker I just wanna pee! "Excuse me." I say quietly as I try to pass him but he moves and stands in my way. "Hey Denver." He says. "Listen guy I'm about to piss myself so I can't make small talk." I say trying to get around him. Again he moves In front of me. Anger rushes through me. "Listen here you prick I will piss down your throat if you don't move." I threaten. "Mhmm.. Kinky." He says with a smirk I roll my eyes and rush around him into the bathroom slamming the door.
Walking out of the bathroom I jump startled that Ren is standing outside the door waiting for me. "You really had to pee." He says. I unwillingly blush. "You really need to learn boundaries." I say walking past him. "If you want me closer just ask babe." He says with a wink. I wrinkle my nose up in disgust. "Go bother my sister." I say. "She went to the store with your mother." He says with a grin. I roll my eyes and walk into my room and he follows. "Nice room." He says looking around at the baby blue walls with black accents. "Thanks." I say before flopping on to my bed. He watches me with a look in his eyes I can figure out. "You and Paige are very different." He says. "Thank God for that. I don't think the world could handle another her. I can't." I reply. He laughs and I shiver. I quickly avoid his gaze and look down at my phone.

For some odd reason I enjoy making this feisty girl mad. "Can you like go somewhere else?" She asks bluntly. "Not a chance." I say with a smirk. I take a seat in the chair by her desk and watch as she picks up a book. "What are you reading?"I ask. She looks up at me with a frown. She pushes her long brown hair out of her face and puts the book down. "What do you want?" She asks. "I'm just getting to know my girlfriends sister." I lie. Honestly I have no idea what I'm doing. She's beautiful and I'm drawn to her but besides that I like to see her pissed. Her phone beeps and she picks it up. An instant smile graces her face and she jumps up. "Tell Paige I'll be back in time for dinner." She says. "Wait where are you going?" I ask. "Don't worry about it." She says with a laugh before walking out of her room. I follow behind her. "I don't think Paige would like you leaving."I say trying my best to get her to stay. "Frankly I don't care what Paige likes." She says with a smirk before opening the front door and leaving. Well damn.
I find Tim in the garage listening to classic rock and holding a power saw. "Need any help?" I ask. He looks up and gives me smile. "You can hold this plank still if you wanna." He says. I move closer and hold down the wooden plank. He turns the saw on and makes a thin cut along the bottom. "What are you making?" I ask once he turns the saw off. "I'm going to surprise Denver with a book shelf for her birthday" He says with a smile. "When is her birthday? I ask. "Next week. Paige said you guys are staying until next Friday so you guys can celebrate with us." He says after taking off the large safety goggles. I nod in agreement.


"You just left?" Xavier asks. I nod and move closer to him. "I told her boyfriend." I answer. He pulls out a cigarette and hands it to me. I light it and take a puff. "Honestly I dont understand your sister." He says with a laugh. "I don't try to understand her. I'm sure her mind is a dark place I don't want to be in." I say. "Says the girl diagnosed with depression." He jokes. "Not really a big deal honestly. It seems like everyone has some form of depression now anyways." I say with a shrug. "True. Your one smart cookie." He says before placing a kiss on my forehead.
"I have some pot brownies in my car." He says with a smirk. "I'll have to take a rain check. I can't go to Paige's Dinner high." I say with a laugh. "Why not? Not like any of them knows what being high is like. Besides I'll go with you." He says with a devilish smile. I laugh and nod and he fist pumps.
   "This is why I love you." He says. I laugh and roll my eyes. "Because I make stupid decision with you?" I ask. "No because your fucking awesome and don't judge me for making stupid decisions." He says. He takes my hand and leads me to his car. I open the passenger door. Xavier turns the radio on low and I hear Bad karma by Axel Thesleff play faintly and I turn it up.
  Xavier pulls out a plastic container filled with brownies and smirks at me. "Ready babe?" He asks. "You know it hot stuff." I joke back. I take a brownie and take a bite. "Good?" Xavier asks. I nod. "I can't even really taste the pot." I say. "That's because I'm a professional." He says with a cocky smirk. I roll my eyes and continue to eat the brownie.             "Should I surpisre them with your appearance or?" I ask. "Why not give them a shock? Hell you could even tell them we are dating." He says. I brust into laughter. "That would be pretty funny. I think I'll just introduce you as you though." I say.
An hour later and we are both pretty much blazed. "I really love you Den." Xavier says with a big smile. "Aww. I love you too Xav." I say cuddling into him. "Wanna make out?" He asks. I laugh so hard that I cant breath. I look up and Xavier places his lips on mine. I move my lips against his and he moans. My phone rings and I pull back. I see that it's Paige and decline the call. "Fuck. We are late." I say with a laugh. Xavier laughs with me and lace out fingers together. "I have a serious question." He says. I nod my head excitedly. "Would you adopt a dog with me?" He asks. "Of fucking course!" I answer. He smiles and starts the car.


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