20. Last year

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"Denver!" My mother calls from the bottom of the stairs.

I️ quickly rush out of my door and to the stair case. I️ stare down at her and wait for whatever she has to say.

"Paige has a dinner party tonight at the club. Are you joining?" She asks.

"I️ don't feel well." I️ lie flawlessly.

"What's wrong?" She asks with a concerned frown. My heart clenches in guilt. It's not really a lie. Mentally I️ don't feel well.

"I️ have an upset stomach. I️ should stay close to the bathroom." I️ Say. It's also not really a lie. I️ ate today. I️ had to take the laxatives.

"Okay. Get some rest. I'll bring you some soup from the place downtown." She says with a soft smile.

I️ nod and rush back to my room. Soup? Hell no. The thought of eating anything makes me want to puke. I️ don't need it. I️ need to be perfect. Like Paige.

Everyone loves Paige. She's so pretty and thin. She can do anything she wants. She's gonna be successful and beautiful. I️ couldn't possibly compare but maybe if I️ lose all this weight, I️ could have an ounce of what she has.

I️ step on the scale and look down at the offending numbers, 110. It's too big. Twenty pounds too big maybe even thirty. I️ hate myself.

Tears stream down my shrunken cheeks as I️ slide down to the floor. It's the cookie. I️ ate one peanut butter cookie and I️ fucked it all up. I'm fucking stupid.

I️ wipe the tears from my eyes and instantly start to do crunches. My stomach burns but I️ continue to go. I️ make a goal for five hundred and I️ do crunch after crunch.

I️ start to feel light headed but I️ get up and start to do jumping jacks. My mouth is dry and in need of water. I️ can't chance the water weight.

My vision blurs but I️ power through and do jumping jack after jumping jack. After what feels like forever I️ stumble. My legs crumble beneath me and I️ hit the floor. My head explodes with pain as it hits the floor. Everything fades into darkness.

"Denver!" A voice calls.

I️ try to block the sun from my eyes and roll over. My entire body hurts.

"Denver!" The voice calls again.

I️ open my eyes and find my mother. Why is she waking me up? I️ look around and see everything from a lower level than normal. I️ feel the hardwood floor beneath my body. I️ slept on the floor? Then it hits me. I️ passed out. I️ reach my hand up to my forehead and find blood.

"What happened?" My mother asks.

"I️ don't know." I️ lie.

"I'm glad I️ came back for my purse. Get up. I'm taking you to the hospital." She says.

"No!" I️ shout.

A startled look crosses her face and she looks at my reaction in confusion.

"Get up now." She orders.

I️ pick myself up off the floor and it takes a lot from me. My mother helps me down the stairs and into the car. I️ feel her eyes on me as she rushes to the hospital.

Once we are on the emergency room, my mother explains that I️ passed out and hit my head. We wait thirty minutes for a nurse to come in and take my vitals. It's another thirty minutes before the doctor makes an appearance.

The doctor does a basic exam and asks to speak to my mother outside after talking to his nurse.

My mother comes back inside with a teary and red face. She doesn't make eye contact with me.

"What's going on?" I️ ask but I️ think I️ have an idea.

"You're malnourished and dehydrated. Not to mention what the lack of food and water has done to your organs." My mother spits with fire in her eyes.

Her tone shocks me. Why is she angry? I'm just trying to be perfect.

"We are gonna have to keep you overnight and run some more tests. We are also going to have to give you some fluids and some food substitutes." The doctor says with a sad look.

"No. I️ don't need any fluids." I️ Say.

"You're going to fucking die, Denver!" My mother shouts across the room at me.

"I'm not fucking hungry. I️ don't need the calories." I️ Say.

"I️ have requested that the hospital keep you until you are healthy both physically and mentally." My mother says gently.

"What? You're letting them keep me?" I️ ask.

"I️ love you Denver. I️ don't want my little girl to waste away." She says sadly.

"Don't leave me here, Mom." I️ Say.

"I'll see you when you're better and yourself." She says before leaving the room with a sob.

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