23. Sorting it out

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I avoid Xavier's calls because I don't want to tell him about the kiss. I don't want to lie to him but if I tell him, everything could be ruined. I'm not sure why I'm holding on to the thought of the wedding. Their relationship clearly won't last if Paige cheats and Ren tries to with me. Maybe it will, after all they are one in the same. I feel guilty for thinking that but I'm so damn mad at Ren. How could he do this to me? He put me in this situation and it hurts. I wish I hadn't liked that kiss.

I lay in my bed the entire day and think about my situation. I'm with Xavier and Xavier loves me but Xavier slept with my Sister who is with Ren, who I think I may love. Where does Ren stand? He said he was falling in love with me but he's in love with my sister. Everything is so confusing.

I finally decide that it's time that I sort things out. I call Xavier and tell him that I'll meet him at his house. He agrees and I get ready. I avoid everyone on my way out.

"Denver!" Xavier greets me with a hug. I reluctantly hug him back because I feel so guilty.

I silently walk through Xavier's house and into his room. I sit promptly on his bed and wait for him to sit beside me.

"Are you alright?" He asks.

"Someone kissed me. I didn't kiss them but I liked it and I feel awful. I'm so sorry." I say.

Everything is silent for a few moments and I can feel my heart beating quickly.

"Who?" Xavier asks.

"I can't tell you that. I want to but I can't." I say.

"Then what does this mean?" He asks.

"I need to sort some things out. I really like you Xavier but I need you as a friend, right now. I'm so sorry to hurt you." I say. Xavier laughs coldly and looks at me.

"Is this about the guy who kissed you? You want to be with him? I love you Denver." He says.

"I could never be with him, Xavier. I just need to figure things out. A lot is happening at once." I say.

"We can work through it." He says.

"It would be unfair to you." I say.

"How?" He asks.

"Because I think of him a lot and that's not how it should be. I need to give myself time to get over it. I don't wanna lose you." I say.

"You should probably go." He says.

My heart crushes inside my chest and I get up to leave. I don't want this but I need this. I don't feel for Xavier the way I do for Ren and that's an issue.

"Denver." Xavier says.

"Yes?" I ask.

"I'll be here when you have it all sorted out but until then don't call me." He says sternly.

Tears drip down my face as I drive home in silence. I go straight to my room as soon as I'm home. I curl up on my bed and cry myself to sleep.

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