21. Moms

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Xavier holds my face close to his and places a single kiss on my lips.

"You look so beautiful." He whispers with a ghost of a smile.

I shake my head and roll my eyes at the thought. It takes me a minute to accept the compliment.

"Thank you." I say quietly.

"You truly are, Denver. I don't understand how you can't see how beautiful you are." He says with a smile.

I shrug and look away from him. I close my eyes and lay back in Xavier's arms. The concert was amazing and my blood is still pumping with left over excitement.

"We should get you home." Xavier says after several minutes of comfortable silence.

I nod in agreement and look for shoes that are somewhere under Xavier's bed. I find the pumps and walk barefooted to Xavier's bedroom door. Xavier follows closely behind me before taking my hand and linking our fingers together.

On the ride over to My house I think about Paige. Am I really any better than her? I'm with Xavier but I constantly think of Ren. That's indirectly cheating. At least, I think it is. My heart aches at the thought of hurting Xavier in any way.

"What are you thinking about over there?" Xavier asks.

I look over at him with a fake smile and shake my head. He holds my eye for a moment before focusing on the road ahead.

"My offer still stands." He says.

"What?" I ask in confusion.

"I said we could leave. We could travel. I stand by that. Now more than ever." He says quietly.

I don't speak. I calmly look out my window and think over the statement. Travel? Just leave?


"How did dress shopping go?" I ask Paige as she lotions her legs. Her shower towel is wrapped safely under her arms and her legs are exposed.

"It went great. The girls all found dresses that look amazing on them. I can't wait for you to see mine. It fits like a glove." She says with a large smile.

"I know you'll look amazing. You always do." I say.

Paige bits her lip and looks down with a large smile. She turns around and drops her towel in a puddle at her feet. She digs through her closet in search of something to wear. She pulls out one of my shirts and slips it on over her head. She turns and gives My a flirty wink.

I should be happy. My future wife is wearing nothing but my shirt but I'm not happy. Not even a little bit. I'm trying to force myself to be completely in love with Paige but I can't make myself. I like her and a part of me loves her but not enough for marriage. Too bad I don't really have a choice.

My phone rings loudly from the bedside table and I check the brightly lit screen. MOM, flashes across the screen.

"Hey, Ma." I answer.

"Ren, you haven't called me this week." She says.

"Sorry, we have been really busy with wedding plans." I say sheepishly.

"That's okay! How is everything?" She asks.

I don't like to lie to my mother. I don't want to tell her that I'm going to be married to a women that I don't even love or that I have a thing for said women's younger sister. I have to lie because I need my inheritance and I have to be married for that shit. The family business is failing and I can't let my mother go under.

"Everything is great! Just ready for this wedding!" I exclaim.


"Not at the moment. I'm not ready to just leave." I say to Xavier.

"I understand but when you are ready." He says.

I sit in my driveway holding Xavier's hand for thirty minutes. I don't want to go inside. I don't want to see Paige or Ren. Maybe leaving would be the best but that's running from my problems and that's never helped.

I kiss Xavier good bye and make my way into the house. My mother is sitting on the couch in the Den when I step inside. She doesn't acknowledge my presence. She must still be mad about our argument.

"Hey, Mom." I say

She meets my eyes for a second and then returns them to the tv. I sigh and walk upstairs. It's always been about Paige. Fuck, I had to practically almost die for her to show even an ounce of attention to me.

I find my dad in his bedroom on his laptop. He types away on the keyboard and looks up as I stand in the doorway.

"Hey pumpkin." He says.

I give him a smile and walk towards him. I take a seat on the edge of his bed. He puts the laptop down and gives me his full attention.

"Moms mad at me." I say.

Dad sighs and gives me a sad smile.

"She'll get over it. She always does." He says.

"I don't want to sound like a brat but I don't care about Paige's wedding." I say.

My father looks at my face closely and nods. We sit in silence for awhile before I say goodnight.

I walk towards my room and run into Ren. We stand a few feet away from each other and stare. I don't say anything and I pass him. At the last minute he grabs my hand and gives it a gentle squeeze.

"I'm sorry." He says.

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