7. Birthday breakfast

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I watch as Tim and Ruth shuffle around the kitchen.

"When do you think she will be up?" Ruth asks.

"Its Denver we're talking about. Probaly not until noon." Tim jokes.

"That means we have time!" Ruth says excitedly.

"Damn!" Tim curses quietly.

"What?" Ruth asks.

"We are out of eggs!" He answers with a panicked look.

"We can't make the cake without eggs!" Ruth exclaims.

I watch as they both freak out and I step forward.

"I'll go get them." I offer.

"Oh honey your a guest!" Ruth says.

"No. I have to pick some things up anyways." I say.

"That would be very helpful Ren." Tim says with a smile.

I nod and grab my car keys.

I soon arrive at a small multi purpose store and get out. As soon as I walk in I'm hit with the smell of different types of food and perfume. I walk down an aisle with dairy products and at the end I find a carton of eggs. I grab the eggs and walk on to the check out area.
I stop on my tracks as I see a jewlery department. I quickly walk over and look around. All I see are simple and extravagant ingagement rings. I sigh and almost turn away until something black catches my eye.

"Its beautiful isn't it? It's a Raw Diamond Solitaire " A voice says from the other side of the counter.

I look up and see a older man with a employee badge. I nod in agreement.

"How much?" I ask.

"It's only for display." He answers.

No! I can see this on Denver! It's just her style and its her birthday! She deserves something elegant and beautiful.

"Name a price." I say.

"Sir I'm sorry but it's not for sale." He answers.

"I'll give you five grand." I offer.

His mouth drops open.

"Sir this ring is not even worth that much." He says.

"Would you like to receive less?" I ask.

He shakes his head and I pull my card from my wallet.

"Can you wrap it?" I ask.

He nods and I wait patiently until the ring is wrapped. I pay for my things and walk back to my car.

(Picture of ring)

                      Denver I wake up to the smell of eggs and bacon

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I wake up to the smell of eggs and bacon. Is Ren cooking again? My family never cooks breakfast we are more ceral type of people. I hear a knock on my door.

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