9. Distance

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I'm so fucking stupid.

"You remind me of her."

What the fuck was I thinking? She hates me now. I tried to kiss her and she flat rejected me. I'm getting married to her damn sister and here I am trying to kiss her! Whats wrong with me? I can't stop myself. She's so pretty and sassy. She's nice and fun to be around when she isn't with Xavier.

I've got to stop doing this. I need to cut off all contact with her. I can't look, speak or think about her. I need to focus on Paige and the wedding. Maybe I'll stay at a hotel until the wedding.


For the first time. I allow myself to cry over something someone said.

"You remind me of her."

Do I really remind him of Paige? Am I that cruel and stuck up? Do I only care about myself and money? Is that what people see?

My whole life I have been compared to Paige. I'm her little sister, so at school I was known was "Paige's baby sister". I wasn't the "pretty" sister or even the "smart" sister. I'm just me.

When Ren gave me the ring I felt so honored. He is the first boy to give me jewelry. I thought maybe I could deal with having him around. Maybe he would wear off on my bitch of a sister.

I was also sad because he is with my sister. My sister doesn't deserve him. She's selfish and a gold digger and she's clearly using him! I realized as soon as he gave me the ring that I in fact had a crush on Ren. I knew I couldn't act on it,that's just crazy.

When Ren tried to kiss me, I freaked out. As much as I despise my sister, I couldn't do that to her. Marriage means something. It's a promise and a commitment. I realized that maybe he wasn't too good for my sister.

I feel guilty. I really, really wanted to kiss him. I'm also mad. He said that I reminded him of her and that's not okay.

I wipe the tears from my pale cheeks and curl under my covers. I put my headphone in and try to drown my emotions with music. Every song that plays seems to be sad and it only worsens my mood.

The thought of helping my sister with wedding plans makes my stomach churn. Her soon to be husband tried to kiss me. I feel guilty as hell. I really need to get out of here.

I send a quick text to Xavier and he agrees to pick me up. 15 minutes later Xavier honks from outside and I run out.

"Hey." Xavier greets me from inside the car.

"Hi." I reply quietly

"Have you been crying?" He asks.

"Sorta." I admit.

Xavier takes my hand and gives it a squeeze.

"I've been wanting to talk to you about something." He says.


"But why do you need to stay in a hotel?" Paige asks still in her sleep wear from the night before.

"I want to make seeing you on the wedding day all that more exciting." I lie.

"That's really sweet, Ren but I need you here." She says.

"For what?" I ask.

"Oh my God, Ren! I can't plan this wedding on my own. Denver isn't helping and it's really stressing me out." Paige says as tears spring to her eyes.

I feel a horrible sense of guilt and I pull her to my chest.

"I'm sorry, babe. I'll stay here and try to help you as much as I can." I say.

Her face instantly brightens and she smiles. It's then that I notice that no tears really ever came out.

"Thank you!" She says and wraps her arms around my waist.

"So, I was thinking we should go pick out invitations first. We need those send out asap." She says.

"Anything you want." I agree.

"Have you seen Denver? I haven't seen her since last night at the party." Paige says.

"Nope." I answer honestly.

I haven't seen Denver since last night either. I'm sure she's avoiding me and that's fine. That's what we need. I don't need to be tempted by her.


I wake up in the front seat of Xavier's car. I must have fallen asleep after watching Netflix on Xavier's phone.

"Hey, sleepy head." Xavier says when we meet eyes.

"Did you sleep?" I ask.

"I don't really sleep." He answers.

"I'm sorry." I answer.

"It's fine. It was nice not being alone for once." He says.

"You said you wanted to talk to me?" I ask.

Xavier pauses for a moment as if thinking over a decision.

"It's not important." He says.

"Are you sure?" I ask.

"I don't know." He answers.

"Xavier?" I ask.

" I'll tell you by tomorrow night. Deal?" He asks.

"Deal." I agree suddenly very curious.

"Want me to take you home or do you want to go for breakfast?" He asks.

"Definitely breakfast. I don't want to be home today." I answer.

"You can stay with me again." He says with a smile.

"Thanks." I say as I reach over the car and give him a hug.

Xavier's hand rubs my back and my skin gets goosebumps.

We agree to go to IHOP and then his place after for more Netflix. Something is different about him. He's quiet but everything he says is thoughtful. He's so amazing to be around but I can't stop thinking about Ren and Paige and Ren comparing me to her.

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