19. Concert

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I sit in my room with my box fan on and my light off. Today fucking sucks. Days seem to be like this a lot lately, when I'm home. Paige's wedding is what everyone cares about. Hell, I even care about it but in a different way. My family plans and is excited. I want it to fucking disappear along with Paige and Ren.

I was stupid. I told him not to marry her. Of course he would ignore my request. Paige is the better sister and she has always been the better sister. She's perfect, with her straight hair and glossed lips. She can plan a party at the fucking country club and make time to plan a wedding at the same time. She's perfect for Ren. Except she's not, She cheated.

I take a long shower and think over tonight. The blink concert is tonight and I want to be pumped. I was pumped when Xavier gave me the tickets on my birthday but now nothing really makes me happy.

I get ready in the outfit Kate bought me. Thinking of Kate, I really should call her. It's been what feels like forever. However, the phone works both ways.

I get dressed in my little black dress and red pumps. I put my vintage shades on and walk down stairs. Xavier should be here any minute.

I hear voices coming from the living room and I walk closer to investigate.

"How has she been?" My Dad asks.

"Pretty good, Sir." Xavier answers.

"Does she eat when she's with you?" My Dad asks.

"All the time. I make sure of it." Xavier says.

"Thank you." My Dad says before turning around and finding me in the door way.

"Denver!" You scared me.

"What is this all about?" I ask looking back and forth at my father and Xavier.

"I was worried. I asked Xavier to keep an eye on you." He says.

I look over at Xavier and he shrugs in guilt.

"Dad, you should trust me when I say that I'm fine. I'm eating." I say.

"I know, pumpkin. I just get worried. Last year was hard for you." He says quietly.

I don't know how to feel. A big part of me wants to yell at him for having Xavier check on me. Another part of me wants to hug him close and reassure him that I'm fine. I choose to ignore the situation.

I walk past my father and towards Xavier. I don't meet Xavier's eye as I walk out the door and to his car. Xavier follows closely behind me and stops me at his car.

"I'm sorry." He says.

"You should have told me." I say.

"And make you feel like this? Not a chance." Xavier says.

"I feel like such an idiot. It's embarrassing having your dad make sure you fucking eat." I say.

Xavier grabs my chin and pulls my face towards his. He placed a light kiss on my check and looks into my eyes.

"Don't be embarrassed. That was the past. You eat now and your mentally healthy. Your father was just concerned. Your his youngest." Xavier explains.

I nod in agreement and allow him to open the car door for me.  He walks around to the drivers seat and gets in.

"Should we listen to Blink on the way over? Just to get us pumped?" Xavier asks with a corky smile.

I nod and laugh. He connects his phone to the Aux cord and music fills the car. Xavier grabs my hand and I look down as he links out fingers together. He gives me a small smile and starts to drive.

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