25. Confession

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I arrive home from a much needed vist to the lake. I needed to adjust myself and figure shit out. I've been really inconsistent with Paige and that's not fair at all.

I walk into the house and find Paige arranging flowers into large purple vases. I smile and she fluffs the flowers to perfection. She looks up and smiles.

"Do you think Fake flowers look tacky?" She asks.

"Nothing you do is tacky. They look great." I say.

She stands from the table and wraps her arms around me. She places a kiss on my lips but it feels wrong. I kissed her sister.

"How was the lake?" She asks.

"Relaxing. How was dinner?" I ask.

"It was really quiet. My mother is upset with Den and Denver looked spaced out." Paige says.

"I can talk to Denver. Maybe get things sorted out?" I ask.

"Maybe that's not such a good idea. I think Denver is jealous." She says.

"What do you mean? I ask as my heart beats loudly.

"Between us, she's always wanted what I've had. I think she has a crush." She says in a whisper.

"Oh." I say.

"Crazy right? As if, she had a chance." Paige says with a laugh.

"Yeah." I say quietly.

I walk upstairs to shower and can't help myself from looking at Denver's door. Is she in there? Is she thinking of me? Is she still mad? As if by magic, her door opens and she steps out. We look at each other and I go towards my room.

"Ren." She says my name. It's beautiful. I want to hear her say it constantly.

"Yeah?" I ask as I turn towards her.

"Can we talk?" She asks.

Do I want to risk it? Everytime I'm with her, I have to hold myself back. I better get acquainted with that feeling though because it'll never happen for Denver and I.

"Sure." I answer nervously.

She gestures me into her room and I can barely think with the adrenaline pumping through my vains. She takes a seat on her bed and I do the same. Maybe that was a mistake. She's so close and smells so good. 

"What did you wanna talk about?" I ask.

She takes a deep breath and looks at me. She shifts uncomfortably and sighs.

"Sorry, this is hard for me." She says.

I want to reach out and grab her hand but that's not my place and that would only complicate things.

"I broke up with Xavier." She says.

"Thank God." I say. I couldn't stop the words from falling out of my mouth.

"I mean, I'm sorry." I say.

"You don't mean that." She says with a breathtaking smile.

"You're smart." I say with a little cocky grin.

"And I wanted to say some other things." She whispers.

"Okay. Like what?" I ask her. I really want to know everything about this girl. What she loves and hates.

"I didn't want to like you, Ren. Sometimes you're a cocky jerk and you're engaged to my sister. Those are all negative things but I love talking to you and being near you. I hate that my sister gets to wake up next to you and know things about you. I want that. I want to be with you and I think, I'm falling in love with you too." She says in a rush.

I don't think about what Denver said. All I know is she feels the same as me. She's falling in love with me. I'm not proud of what I do next but I can't help myself. I grab Denver and kiss her gently. There isn't any rush. No one else exsistes and it's beautiful. She pulls me closer to her and I deepen the kiss.

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