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"I am going to kill her!" Paige yells. "Babe calm down." I say rubbing her back. "Calm down? She's an hour and thirty minutes late." Paige says. I nod. "I know babe. I'm sorry but maybe something happened." I say. "I doubt it. I'll tell you what happened. She hates me and doesnt want me to be happy. This is supposed to be our night!" She says pouting. I sigh and sit in the leaving room as Paige paces in the kitchen. I hear the door opening and look up.
Denver and a guy stumble in. The guy has blue black hair and his lip percied. Hes tall and lanky with some muscle. In the guys arms is a small husky puppy. Denver shuts the door and takes the puppy from the guys hands. "Hey nacho. Did you miss momma?" She asks with a giggle. "Miss you? Fuck Den. You were just with him in the car." The guy says with a smile. Denver laughs and hands the puppy over to the guy. "I'll be back. I'm going to tell my mom that I'm here and try to escape Paige at the same time." She says. "I don't think that will happen. Paige is pretty pissed." I say. They both finally notice my presence. "Oh. It's you." She says. I nod. "Xavier this is.. um what's your name again?" She asks me. My mouth drops open as I see her glassy eyes. She's fucking high! A laugh escapes my mouth. "Ren."I answer. "Oh yeah. Xavier this is Ren." She tells the boy whose name is apparently Xavier. "Where did you get the dog?" I ask. She looks at Xavier and they both burst into laughter. An uneasy feeling spreads through me. They get along so well and seem to have fun. Why don't Paige and I have that? "Well.." she stops talking as she laughs. "We went and adopted a dog. That's why we are late." She says. They both giggle again. "Okay you guys are so high right now a nun could tell." I say. Denver stops laughing. "How could you tell?" She asks smiling shyly. "Besides the fact that you two are laughing like children? Your eyes." I explain. She nods. "Paige is going to be so pissed." I say with a laugh. "Like I give a fuck what Paige thinks." Denver answers with a frown. Xavier laughs and wraps an arm around her. Are they dating? Why do I care? This girl is a mess. " I bet you care what your parents think about you being blazed in front of company." I say with a smirk. She shrugs and Xavier laughs loudly. "Ren? Is that Denver?"Paige calls from the kitchen. "Hold on!"I yell. "God your going to owe me." I say. I open the door. "You need to go." I tell the guy. "What? Hell no." He answers. "Do you want her to get in trouble? Because if you stay here both of you are gonna get caught." I tell him. He looks at Denver. "I'll call you tonight." She says and hugs him. He walks out the door with a frown and the dog. "Come with me." I tell Denver as I take her hand and lead her upstairs. "What are you doing?" She asks. "Looking for eye drops." I answer. She laughs behind me. I look and see her starring at my butt. "You have a cute ass." She says with a giggle. I smile and take her into the bathroom. "God what did you do?" I ask. "Shush." She says as she places her pointer finger on her lips before laughing. "Pot brownies." She answers. I nod. "Okay I want you to splash cold water on your face."I say. "No. Why?" She asks. "I'm going to sober you up." I say. She turns on the sink and splashed cold water on her face. She gasp and grabs a towel. "Now twenty jumping jacks." I say. " she gives me a glare. "I don't get physical." She says. I dont see why the hell not. She's atttactive as hell. I laugh. "Just do it." I say. She twirls her finger in a gesture for me to turn around. I turn my back and I hear her jumping and lightly counting under her breath. "Done." she says. "Okay splash your face again." I say. She turns the sink on and I search for eye drops in the cabinet. I find a bottle and hand them to her. "Put these in. I'm going downstairs. Come down when your done. You should be good." I say before walking downstairs.
I walk in the kitchen and find Paige still pouting where I left her. "Denver is here. She's in the bathroom she wasn't feeling to good." I tell her. "About damn time. Shes so fucking selfish." She complains. "Did you say Denver is sick? Tim asks. I nod and a worried look crosses Tim's face. "She said shes fine just needed to use the bathroom." I tell him. He nods but the worried look is still on his face.

I walk down stairs and feel the glare Paige is sending my way. "Denver." My dad says with a worried look. "Yeah?" I ask. "Can I talk to you in the leaving room for a moment? "He asks. "Dad I'm starving and we have waited on her all night." Paige whines. "Eat with out me." I say. "Don't talk to me Denver. I was speaking to dad." Paige snaps. I laugh at her lack of maturity. "Yeah dad?" I ask. He leads me into the leaving room and sits on the couch. "Ren said you were sick in the bathroom?" He asks. I already know were he is going with this. "Dad I'm fine. I wasn't... Trust me." I say. He nods and hugs me. "I'm sorry. I was just worried. You know I love you?" He asks. I nod and hug him back. "Okay let's eat before your sister kills me." He says and I laugh.
Mom,Paige and Ren are already seated at the table when dad and I walk into the kitchen. "Finally." Paige says quietly. I almost laugh at how pissed she is but I withhold myself. "Let's eat." Dad says as he takes his seat. The only chair is on the other side of Ren. I bow my head in shame and don't make eye contact with him. The guy saw me high as a kite and sobered me up so I Wouldn't get in trouble. Fuck my life. Maybe he isn't so bad after all though.
I sit down and look at my plate. It's some pasta shit that I have never seen and frankly it looks disgusting. I look up and see that Ren has the same expression. I almost laugh. "Did you make this babe?" He asks Paige. "All by myself." She says with a proud smile. "Looks great." He says with a nod. God I can't do this. The smell makes me want to gag. I look up and see that my mother and father seem to be enjoying the bread from the basket on the table. "May I be excused? I'm still not feeling well." I ask. Ren catches my eye and smirks. I roll my eyes and turn back to my parents. "Actaully Ren and I have an announcement." Paige says with a smile to my parents and a glare to me. She takes Ren's hand and laughs. She takes something out of her pocket and slips it on her finger. "We are enagaged!" She shouts in excitement and flashes the large ring. My mother and father coo in excitement and I sit there speechless. Engaged? As in enagaged to be married?
"Looks like your my little sis now." Ren says with a cocky smirk. I roll my eyes and leave the table to go to my room. I need to call Xavier and Kate. Paige has finally done it. She actaully fooled someone into marrying her crazy ass.

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