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"Don't you like me?" Denver asks.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Don't you like me, Ren? You tried to kiss me." Denver says.

"You tried to kiss my sister?" Paige asks.

I begin to panic and Denver disappears.

"Help me Ren." Her voice calls.

"If you love me you won't help her." Paige says.

I begin to look for Denver.

I wake up with a gasp. I look over and find Paige laying in the bed beside me. My first thought is if Denver is okay. I get out of bed and put on a tee-shirt. I'll just take a quick peek inside of her room. She's probably sleeping. I look over at the clock and the bedside table. It's five in the morning.

I walk out of Paige's room and down the hall. I find Denver's room and I stick my ear to the door. When I hear nothing, I quietly twist the door knob. This is stupid. She's fine. It was a dream.

I open the door and step inside to get a view through the darkness. I move closer and see Denver's bed. It's empty. My heart races and I panic. Is she okay? Does she need my help?

I hear foot steps up the stairs and I back into Denver's room and shut the door.  I panic when the footsteps Mom closer to Denver's door. The knob twists and Denver steps in. She turns the light on. My mouth drops open. Here, I am standing inside of her room. Denver turns around and jumps at the sight of me.

"Ren! What the actual fuck!" She whisper yells.

"I'm sorry." I say lamely.

"What are you doing in my room?" She asks.

"I came to check on you." I say.

"Why?" She asks.

"I was worried about you." I say.

"Worry about my sister." Denver says quietly but I catch it.

"You're right." I say.

"I am?" She asks.

I nod and move to leave her room.

"Wait." Denver says.

"Yes?" I ask.

"If I had something to say about Paige, would you listen?" She asks.

"Depends." I say.

"On?" She asks as she bites her pouty lip.

"If it's good or bad." I say.

"And if it's bad?" She asks.

"Then, don't tell me. I know how you feel about Paige." I say quietly.

"You're right." She says quietly with a nod.

"I am?" I ask.

She nods and turns her back on me. I leave Denver's room and make my way back to Paige. I lay beside Paige but I can't go back to sleep. Where was Denver? Her clothes were all wrinkled and her hair was tousled. My stomach clenches in worry. I shouldn't like her. I tell myself this way too often.

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