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The Mafia Princes Ex-Wife
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This chapter has been reread and revised. Thank you all for the support and love you have given me through out the journey of writing this book, I have appreciated the support and would not have been able to complete this book without you.

This is the new prologue let me know how you like it!!!


As a series of bullets pierced into the now lifeless man, a sense of relief from the stress I had been feeling overcame me. Betrayal was not in my dictionary, and I would never let anyone go if they betrayed me.

"You still got the aim, it been a while since you have came into the training room." Aidan spoke, patting my back.
"He's right, you have been locked in the house since you have been married." Jacin joked, a series of laughter followed behind him. It angered me, it felt as if I had become a laughing stock in front of my own men. In front of these men who worked for me.

"I would recommend you keep your mouth shut, Jacin. I still hold the gun, and they are still my men you'd be dead; one command." The threat leaving my lips silenced the room, Jacin did not retaliate as if he knew I was far from fibbing.

The ring on my hand felt as if it was sucking my blood. It was beginning to itch, and I felt like throwing the damn ring off my finger and feel the freedom I once felt. In the world I lived in, love was an announcement for weakness but I ignored it. I knew how much Stephanie wanted to get married, have kids.

Heck for a while I had wanted the same. Only to realise I wanted what she wanted, marriage: she wanted, children: she wanted and a family: she wanted. What did I want? I wanted freedom, I wanted to live my life.

I wanted to not think about having a wife back home, I wanted to not think about returning before my supposed imaginary curfew. I was young, I had not even hit thirty and felt like I had a rope tied around my neck.

"I say we go for drinks, Mason you coming? It's fine if you can't." Aidan said, the guys yelled in agreement. I had not been to guys night out in a while, Life for me had become like a schedule. Work, go home, eat, try for a baby and sleep. Where was fun in this? Where was getting drunk in this?

"I need a day to myself. Let's go." I spoke, once again the guys cheered we made our way out. I pulled the ring from my fingers and pushed it down my pocket. I grabbed my phone and switched it off, nothing was going to stop me today and that included Stephanie.

Arriving to the bar which I owned, it felt unusual and weird being here after a while. The blaring music, flashing neon coloured lights and dancing clingy bodies.
Approaching the bar, I almost forgotten what alcohol they sold. It had always been wine back in the Wilde Mansion, I had forgotten about getting drunk was really about.

"Give us vodka shots, and keep them coming. We are celebrating for the come back of our boss." The guys screamed and cheered as I raised the shot glass and drank it, feeling the burn in my throat. It felt amazing.

"Bring it on."



Today was the day I was going to tell my dear husband the amazing news that I am pregnant.

I had been showing signs for the past few days, so I had doubts and booked a doctors appointment which told me I am indeed pregnant; I have always wanted a child and I new Mason did too.

We had planned for a baby even before we tied the knot, I was excited and I could not contain the happiness of baring a child of the man I love truly and dearly.

I heard the front door open and close, my fingers attacking one another, I was nervous but not in fear of how he will take it, because I already knew he would be just as exhilarated as I was, a big and wide grin spread across my face, excited to tell him the news I had been dying to tell him for an hour, pacing back and forward and looking at the clock ticking. I turned around and my smile soon faded and drifted into a frown as I watched my husband stumble into the living room drunk.

"Mason are you okay?"I questioned, Mason was not irresponsible he would often drink but not too the point that would drive him in the edge of being intoxicated and losing his mind; so when he stood in front of me drunk and unable to balance himself, it shocked me. I took a step towards him but froze when he lifted his hands indicating me to stop where I was.

"I am fine you stupid bitch!" he gritted said his teeth clenched together, his eyes glared piercing through my flesh making me gasp as I couldn't believe I had heard him say such colourful word to me. 'Stupid' was not what I was used to hearing from him it was always sweet and something which would make fall deeply in love him, words like 'Beautiful', 'Amour', and 'Sexy' which would make me blush but never a foul word as he was yelling at me at the moment.

"Mason I have a really amazing and happy-"Before I could finish my sentence a white envelope was slammed on to the glass table in front of me making my hands slowly reach out for it.

"Just shut up.  You know what? I don't want this. To be stuck in this suffocating marriage with you anymore, I am sick and tired of walking through my own doors knowing I have a wife who waits till I get home, While all my buddies are clubbing without me because 'my so-called wife won't be happy with me'." I frowned at his confession, was this how he felt. It pained that my love and protection for him and the fear that something may happen had become a burden on him, he was part of this fearful life which could turn into something nasty and could you can not blame me for loving him and being cautious for his own safety.

His words pained as I looked into his eyes all I saw was annoyance and anger.

No Love!

No Pain!


"Mason I-"I was once again cut off, as he continued to talk.

"I thought marrying my high school sweetheart would be amazing, still go partying and enjoy myself and be my old self, but look at me now. It just turned everything for worse. All my friends are out there getting drunk, having their flings of the day spending their money and here I am stuck being a husband in these four walls" His words were like pins and needles stabbed into my chest or as if someone was squeezing the blood out of my heart.

I lowered my gazing controlling the tears which were threatening to escape, I tore the envelope and once again gasped at the white sheet of papers stapled together and the red bold handwriting...

"Divorce papers"I read out as I looked at the paper and then at the man who had broken me but I knew how to be tough I always had been and I wouldn't let myself cry, NOT IN FRONT OF HIM!

"I don't want a wife to treat me like a baby. My own men are beginning to question there leader, my father had warned about having a weakness but I ignored him and look where that has led me." He said and I looked down at my flat stomach and I knew one thing for sure, I would never forgive him'.

"If this is what you want then Mason Wilde... I free you" I whispered signing the divorce paper watching him smile and fall to the ground I didn't bother to do anything and began to pack my stuff.

Stepping over his unconscious body, I stopped in front of the white wooden door and turned to face the unconscious man who was now my Ex husband,

"You will never know what you have lost," I whispered before walking away, allowing a single tear to trail down my cheeks, I had done nothing but love him and in the end, I was the one who was left broken and crushed.

I hate you, Mason Wilde,

I hate you!

Broken souls can never be fixed there is some moment when love marriages don't last even though how long you have been together for.

It's always too late.

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