Chapter 3

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A new chapter, revised and rewritten. The previous chapter 3 has been taken down and replaced by this. I hope you enjoy this chapter as you had appreciated the previous chapter.


Three damn years, I had lost what I had. I was not man enough to appreciate what I had and ended up losing it. Ever since she walked out my life, I realised she was all I needed. And I had let her slip away from my palms even after she had willingly given all of her too me.

I had taken her for granted.

I was unable to balance my social life and home life, and decided that my home life was the reason. When in reality she was what kept me sane, her smile, her glare, her gentle touches and even her raspy morning voice as she would whisper into my ears and wake me up.

She was sneaky I had to give it to her, she had hid her tracks and it was almost as if she had disappeared. Like she never existed. For a moment I doubted if she was just my imagination but her scent still lingered around the mansion or I liked to believe it still does.

I missed running my fingers into her blonde locks, kissing her passionately and having her all to myself.

As I sat facing the large window which set in my office, I stared into the London. I could see the London eye from here, and the Elizabeth tower. It all brightened up with lights as the sun set and the sky darkened.

The traffic, red neon lights of the traffic lights. It was all so clear to see but Stephanie was still hidden, amongst them.


A sigh escape my parted lips, already know who it was and what report they were going to bring to me. It had been the same for the last three years, failed to find her.

"Sir Wilde, PI Jeremy Taylor has arrived. Would you like me to send him in." I did not bother to turn around to face my personal assistant, I shut my eyes and collected my emotions.

"Send him in." I spoke, my voice was cold and deep. Hiding my true self behind my facade that I had plastered after she had left, the coldness of my tone made her silently walk out. I was ready to change the PI, he would be my sixth PI since she left and all of them failed to provide me with what I wanted. Her.

"Prince Wilde. I appreciate your attendance with me in such short period of time." His polite greetings was something I was not bothered to hear, unless he brought the information I wanted.
"If it's another failed information, save yourself." I spoke turning around and looking into the grey eyes of the middle aged man. He dressed himself smartly, a small brief case in his hand and he stood lean appropriate for his work.

"I have not come empty handed, this time." I stood up as I heard him speak, I urged him to come take a seat which he followed, I walked around the desk until I was beside him. He placed the brief case on to the desk and unclipped it open.

"She had hidden herself well, hiding in Devon. She was captured by the pap, but I was able to get the pictures before he published it." Devon, that would have been the last place I would have thought Stephanie would be hiding. Always seeing her dressed in such high and rich attire I could not think what she would be dressing her self  in a small country side.

"Do you have evidence it's her?" I asked, he began placing printed pictures of a little boy no older than three or four, another picture was again of the same little boy but this time with two other children around his age.
"I am not interested in looking at pictures of little children, Taylor." I spoke, he nodded his head and then grabbed a picture which had Stephanie pushing a stroller down the road, my eyes widened as I snatched the picture from his hand and looked at it closely.

"She has a three years old son, Matthew Wilde. I looked into his birth certificate but it only held the name of the mother, no sign or mention of the father. The surname instantly made me assume it was your son and the picture just clarified it for me." I froze, she would not have done this to me. She could not. But it was hard to deny my thoughts that she had hidden my son from me when I picked up a picture of Matthew, he was identical to me.

There were no doubts he was my son.

"I could run a DNA test if you would like, I could manage to grab a sample of his blood from the hospital." I shook my head, I did not need proof to know she had not been with anyone other than me. But it hurt to know she had hid her pregnancy, the birth of our child from me.

"No. I would like for you to give me her address, it's about time she came home." I spoke, I hide my emotions well as PI Taylor stood up. His brief case in his hands again.
"I will email you her information in an hour." I nodded my head, dismissing him. I ran my fingers through my hair in frustration.

Had she known she was pregnant before that one incident which had happened?
Of course she did, it explained her morning trips to the doctor, her constant cravings and morning sickness. I had been to blind to see the signs.

Matthew. That had been the name we had planned to name if we had a son, it was  planned before hand. And if it was a girl we would name her Elise.

I grabbed the nearest object from my desk and slammed it across the room watching it hit the wall, it had been a astray made of glass.
My laptop pinged which notified me of an email, hurrying around my desk and watched as PI Taylor emailed me the information I needed. Slamming my laptop shut, I grabbed my phone and called Adrian.

"Grab our men, it time to collect what belongs to me."

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