Chapter 2

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This is a rewritten version of chapter 2, a revised version. I have included new scenes to this book and new point of view. There will be new characters and new plots involved. So enjoy!


(Nine months later)

I stared into the eyes of my little baby, he reminded me so much of Mason. How could my perfect life be a complete lie, I had imagined Mason being there, holding my hand whilst I delivered our son. Instead I was alone.

Mason was a bad memory but not something I regret, I would never have had Matt and he was all that was left for me to keep moving. My little bundle of joy. I wanted a family with Mason, but now I wanted a family which involved just me and Matt.

I wanted to be everything I had dreamed to become, I no longer needed to sacrifice anything. I chose love once and that left me in pieces, and now I was going to choose me and my little munchkin.

"Steph, let me take Matt you need rest." I looked towards Claire, she was heavily pregnant and could give birth any moment. She was the shoulder I could cry too, who stopped me from falling into my deep misery. She stood by me.

"Are you sure?" I asked, I didn't want her to feel as if she was a baby sitter. After birthing Matt, I saw death like it was just mere inches from me. But I heard the cries, the angelic little cry as if it was telling me not to leave him alone in a world this ruthless.

He brought the best out of me.

"Yes, he can keep me company. These two little devils won't let me sleep, always kicking as if yelling take me out of here." We both chuckled at her lame humour. She took Matt from my arms, and cooed at him. I really don't know what I would have done alone with out her.

I watched her disappear out of the bedroom door, I laid staring at the ceiling. I wondered if Mason had not poured out how he really felt, I would have been so delusional and believed he still wanted me. Would he have been happy if I had told him I was pregnant? Would he have held my hand whilst I gave birth to our little son?

He would probably feel as if I caged him, forced him down into fatherhood.

Why had our love faded? Where did I go wrong? Where did we go wrong?

I moved in with Mason as soon as high school was over, and soon later married. We were living a life like in the movies, partying, a lot of sex and enjoying. I never knew that once Mason would get into work, he would begin to feel as if he was being suffocated in my presence.

Marrying the love of my life was the best moment of my life, but I knew someone had to keep the boundaries so I did it. I tried to be a good wife, cooked, cleaned made sure everything was perfect before he came home. Laid his clothes on bed, but not once did he ever mention that he wanted his old life back.

I hated Mason for what he had said too me, I hated him for tearing my heart and the beautiful image of having a perfect family.

I wanted everything I never got growing up, coming from a household where all I would see if cheating and arguing parents, one sided love for my sister and me being thrown to the corner.

When I met Mason I believed he could give me all of this, ignoring his lifestyle I accepted him the way he was but it never enough. It would never be enough for him.

The day I left the mansion, I promised I would never return. And I was hell bent on keeping that promise, I was never going to let Matt break someone's heart like his father had done to me.

I was going to leave Mason behind.


A wide smile appeared on my lips, whilst my eyes remained closed. Feeling wet kisses being placed all over my face I let out a sigh before fluttering my eyes open slowly. My eyes met with cerulean coloured eyes, it reminded me of the man who I could never forget. But the small giggles of my now three years old son made my heart warm up.

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