Chapter 10

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It was as if my life had been hit by a hurricane, a rapid rotating storm that was throwing my life under the bus. I was currently cuddling in bed with Matt, his eyes closed whilst his head was on my arms and I could hear his gentle low breathing. Motherhood was not easy, it is something you are in need to adapt.

Removing Mason from my life was not easy, it was like putting your hands in a sharks mouth and then moaning about not having any arm. I knew once Matt would awaken, we would join Mason to go to the dog shelter to see Doodle.

My eyes began to feel heavy the more I thought, closing my eyes I decided to have a short nap. Letting sleep over take, I sighed in bliss feeling relaxed and stress free as if all my worries had been lifted for the moment.,

I woke up to the sound of low whispers and laughter, narrowing my eyebrows I forced my eyes to flutter open.
"Shh, mummy's awake." I heard the little whisper of Matt before he giggled, a smile formed on my lips just hearing his laugh. I rubbed my eyes taking the small sleep that was still in the corner of my eyes disappear.

I dragged my body up to sit up straight, my back leaned against the head board as I look in the sight in front of me. Mason held Matt in his arms, they both stared at me as if they had been caught.

"What time is it?" I asked, I could see the sun light peaking into the room from the window. I had not intended to sleep for long, but everything that took place yesterday had taken atoll on me and I guess I had slept half of the day.

"Quarter pass four, we have an hour before we need to head towards the shelter. I have booked the whole shelter for Matt, he can spend as much time he would like with doodle as he wants." Mason said, I mentally rolled my eyes at the mention of him booking the whole shelter just for matt's pleasure.

I did not want Matt to become spoilt, it was important for him to understand the world, and respect individuals. That's what I had aimed to teach him, away from the riches, away from the guns and terror which followed behind.

"Let me take a shower and we can leave." I headed to the bathroom, and it was not long before I was dressed to head towards the shelter. When I exited the bathroom clothed, neither Matt or Mason were around I walked into the living room watching them stuffing their faces with chocolate.

I rolled my eyes but could not deny how cute it looked, this was what Matt needed and was missing from his life. He needed a father, and I was not going to remove that from him. I knew how it felt feeling isolated not having parents around to pamper you, and love you as a child should deserve.

"We can leave now." I spoke, snapping their attention towards me. Mason placed Matt down, before standing up, she held on to Matt's palm before nodding at me.
"After you." He said allowing me to walk out of the entrance door first, before he followed behind me. A drive stopped a car in front of me. It was a white tesla, the roof was see through.

I opened the door to come to see a car seat, I turned around picking Matt up and placing him on the car seat before strapping him up. I gently closed the door before walking around and getting inside.  Mason soon followed making me sit in the middle.

"How long?" Matt groaned, slamming his hands on to his lap in exaggeration. I rolled my eyes, I could already see the way Matt was acting was just like his father.
"Be patient, we will be there soon." I said, he turned his head to look at me and pouted his lips. My lips twitched into a small smile as I stared at him, he looked adorable.

"Let's say another five minutes." I stiffened feeling mason's breath fanning on my neck as he spoke, I clenched my thighs tightly before mentally shaking my head. Get ahold of yourself.
"Five minutes." Matt said holding up five fingers making me and Mason break out into a small session of laughter, Matt was definitely a character.

True to mason's words a few minutes late the car came to a stop. The building was nothing fancy, just painted white with a big board which had written on it 'Taylor's Animal Shelter', the moment Mason unbuckled him and placed him on the ground he began to jump clapping his hands in excitement.

"Let's go inside." He said and I nodded my head, Matt held on to his fathers hands as we walked into the double wooden dark brown doors. We were instantly greeted by the receptionist, she didn't look a day older than us, she wore black glasses which was pushed up right to her eyes.

"Mr Mason, it's a pleasure to see you again. Is this your sister?" She leaned forward staring at Mason lustfully, I rolled my eyes at her but remained silent not bothered by her lustfilled eyes on my sons father.
"Actually no, she's my wife. And this is my son." Mason introduced, I watched the smile fall from the receptionist's face which made a wide smile appear on my lips. She nodded her head.

"How can I help you?" She asked, after clearing her throat and tucking pieces of her hair behind her ears.
"We've come here to meet doodle." Mason spoke, the women looked up and nodded her head before standing up.

"I must say, doodle has started his own family." She said walking into another set of stairs, I was surprised to hear Mason's dog had puppies. I was extremely excited.

Instantly we were welcomed by barks, a large German shepherd came running and jumped into the arms of Mason, I held Matt close to my legs. A smile on my face seeing the interaction between them.

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