Chapter 6

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This is a revised and rewritten chapter, the plot is different from how you read it before. I hope you enjoy this new chapter just as much as I did writing it.
Thank you.


The pen in my finger continued to click open and close, my thoughts were running wild ever since Stephanie and Matt had returned. Her constant coldness, refusal to leave the room and the demands to leave. It was almost like the old Stephanie was no longer there.

I could not blame anyone but myself, if I had not acted upon my idiotic thoughts and had a chat with her. We would probably be in a different situation, I would have seen the birth of my son. Raised him like the true king he is and will be one day, and would not have missed a single moment.


My head snapped towards the door as it opened and my assistant walked in, I mentally rolled my eyes as I wondered who had suddenly appeared. I had cleared all meetings, reservation and projects for today.

"Who is it?" I asked, she smiled clutching the folder to her chest as she approached me.
"Sir, Aidan is outside, also this is the schedule for tomorrow. I will be leaving now." I nodded my head and informed her to let Aidan inside, maybe a few drinks was all I needed and Aidan can join me.

"Aidan, I am glad to see you. Let's go out for a drink, nothing too strong just enough to make me realise how much I fucked up more than I already know." I said standing up, grabbing the leathered jacket before looking towards him who remained silent which made me stop what I was doing.

"I want out?" I narrowed my eyes to what he meant, out from what? The recent project to transfer hundred and fifty grams of cocaine to America, it was understandable why he wanted out on that with Chloe's return with the twins I am assuming he wanted more time with them.

"That's fine, I will replace you with Kaiden for the project. I get it Chloe must be a tough nut to crack just like Stephanie." I groaned almost imagining it, Aidan must be going through hell just like me and I sympathised with him and understood what he was going through.

"No, not just that I want out from everything. The Mafia." Shock was understandable, never had I ever thought this day would come where Aidan would ask to walk out from what he had grown up too be. Mafia ran in his blood just like mine, and losing a bestfriend sounded horrible.

"No. I will not let you take such rash decision, this is stupid. You have grown up to reach where you are, fuck your so close to lead here once I become king." I yelled, I slammed my hands on the desk anger was clear on my face.

"I have made the decision Mason, I want to be involved in my Childrens life. This is where I need to draw a line, when Chloe asked me if I would leave the Mafia for them I was speechless. But then I thought, what life would I have remaining without them." This time it was me who was silent, I could see how clear his decision was. He had already made up his mind, he was not here to let me know about what he was considering. He had come here to let me know of his decision.

"It will take a month to finalise everything, I would need to take it to the court and then get approval from your family and the royal family which involves my family before we can let you go." A sigh escapes his lips, I could see how hard it had been for him to come to a decision. But I could say nothing to what he had already made up, I could not change his mind. Aidan was just as stubborn as me.

"That's fine, I will assign over my duties to Jacin and Kaiden." He said, I nodded my head throwing the jacket to the ground before slumping back onto the chair.
"Is this what you really want, knowing once the approval is signed you can never come back. We will have nothing holding us together, we can never be in contact." I said, the look of pain flashed in his eyes before he covered it.

"It's the best decision I have taken in a while, I do not expect the same from you. You have a whole world to lead, but I only have them." I nodded my head, I remember when he first approached me regarding being in love with Chloe I had laughed it off and said that they would not last, and I had been wrong a few months later they were engaged and then married. But now with children involved, he wanted to ensure he did not miss another single day without them.

He had missed three years already.

"You can move to Westside mansion." I said, opening a drawer which held a series of keys before grabbing the correct one and handing it to him.
"No, Mason I have savings I can manage. The westside mansion is your favourite." I shook my head, slapping his hands away as he tried to return me the keys.

"It's the least I can do, consider it as a late congratulation on being a father gift." I said, he sighed before wrapping his arms around me. I returned the hug. I was usually not the type of guy who gave out hugs, or showed emotions but Aidan had been there for me through thick and thin.

"I wish you the best of luck." I whispered pulling away, he nodded his head with a faint smile on his lips.
"Word of advise brother, you messed up once do not repeat the same mistake. Make her realise you have changed, and be there for Matt." He said, patting my shoulders. I nodded my head, I had to prove myself. I had to prove to her that I could be a great dad and an amazing husband.

"I know."

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