Chapter 5

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A new rewritten, revised chapter. With a lot of thoughts and imagination I present to you Chapter five, I really hope it not as confusing as it was reading my work on this book before I had decided to rewrite it.


Ever wished the ground would just open and swallow you in, that was exactly what I was hoping would happen. I was locked in the same room which three years ago I had called mine, I knew where I was. This was Aidan's house.

The corner of the room were the twins laid on the small couch sleeping. The food had arrived the moment we had walked in, it was as if it was awaiting our arrival. I remember seeing the look of shock expression which passed around the maids as they watched me being dragged into the house with the twins clutching on to the end of my coat.

This had not been how I had imagined Aidan finding out about the twins, I had initially hoped he never would. Or if he did it would be in a different circumstance.

I was nervous to meet him again, see how he looked and felt after three years. There was no point in hiding how I felt, I still loved him. But at times loving someone isn't enough, I had watched with my bare eyes as Aidan had pierced a bullet into my parents forehead. I had never thought I would love him, but I had.

And I fell hard.

My father had never involved me or my mother in the Mafia business, we didn't even know he was involved until the moment I watched him die and also my innocent mother who was just as clueless as me. This world was a nasty place, it was different from how I grew up. Where, killing was normalised and trafficking was a daily news you would hear.

When I found out I was pregnant, I knew this was not the environment I wanted to grow my baby, even if it meant stabbing my own feelings and leaving it wounded when I found out about Stephanie leaving I took is as a sign and left with her.

Looking at my little babies, I knew I had made the right decision. They were too young for this world, in fact I wanted them to live there childhood like how a normal child would not in a world where they would be forced to grow up quick and always challenged upon there behaviour.

I wondered what a life would be if Aidan was not involved in the mafia, he would be a normal husband and a father to our children and we would live a life without the fear of not seeing them tomorrow.

But I knew one thing, the people amongst him was his family, what he did was his job and he would not change it for anyone not me...not the children.


I could hear my own heart beat as I was snapped out of my thoughts by the sound of the door unlocking. I watched as it twisted open and he stood there outside of the door and just staring at me as if scared i would disappear.

He looked a mess. His hair was all over the place, his eyes had bags and a very light dark circle forming around them. His shirt was not buttoned properly and his tie laid loose on his neck.


"I would question why you left me... but I know the answer." He said, it was gentle something I did not expect from him when we would reunite. His eyes fell on the twins and I could see hurt fill them, I felt guilty for not informing him earlier but I knew I would never be able to leave if he knew.

"I did what I believed was right, and I do not regret those decision." I whispered, I lowered my gaze. A laugh escaped him, it was not joyous but hurtful, painful. I could hear him coming closer and the door shutting behind him.

"Look at me Chloe." I raised my head, looking into his eyes which held misery. My heart clenched seeing his emotions, I wanted to cup his face in my hands and shower him with kisses but I never.

"I looked for you everywhere, mention an area and I have looked. I did not want to believe that the women I love would just get up and leave , vanish from my life and the vows she made. Day and night I would wonder scenario's of why you left me, but my heart would never agree that you left willingly." I felt a sob threatening to leave my throat as he spoke, my eyes were filled with tears which were threatening to fall.

"I could not raise my children in an environment like this, you would never leave. I've seen the passion in you for what you do, the love for the people who are amongst you. It would kill you to leave everything behind knowing you will never be able to see them again." It was a law that the Mafia held, if a member decided to leave they no longer were eligible to remain in contact with anyone from the Mafia including his family.

"I would never let anyone touch you or our children-"
"No, that is exactly what I didn't want. I did not want to live here knowing my life and my childrens life were in constant danger. We could be assassinated and I wanted them to live a life like normal children." My voice had slightly risen, a tear rolled down my cheeks which I quickly wiped away.

"I did not want to live in fear if I would get too see them tomorrow, I would fear if I walk out with them I would never return and it killed me that I could not raise them like a normal family with constant watch of body guards and guns shoved in there faces." I continued, he just stared at me taking in my every word. Listening to me.

"And depriving them from their father was right decision for them...for me?" He questioned his voice also rising, I almost jumped in fear. Aidan had never raised his voice at me, it brought flashback of that specific day where I was dragged into this world.

"Would you have left the Mafia if I had told you?" It was a question I knew the answer too, his eyes widened at my question before he took a step back. He ran his fingers through his hair, before turning around and leaving.

I fell to the ground, a sob escaping my lips. What had my life become?

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