Chapter 8

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This is a new revised and rewritten version, the plot has changed and lot of what you will read is totally different from how it was before. I had written that book a while back, and as I reread it I realised it was really toxic and needed major improvement so here is a new chapter.


Had I wished that once Mason had kicked my family out they would not return, but I had been completely wrong. They came back, but with an even bigger problem.  As if their presence did not already make me sick, now they had brought along the storm herself; Katherine Wilde.

They all silently settled in the living room, she would occasionally look down at her newly done nails.

"I am sure you are not here to have dinner at this hour of time, mother." Mason said, he had been the first one to break the silence. A sigh left my parted lips only to receive a glare from Katherine and my so called family.
"You disrespected my family, they were your in laws and if not that they are still our alliance." She spoke sternly, Katherine had never liked me. She wished and prayed for the day her son would throw me out of the house and I guess her dream had come true.

"They came barging into my house unannounced and disrespected Stephanie, they had it coming." Disrespectful was a word I would like to throw back at Mason, but this was not the time for that. As my parents sat beside Levon who silently watched.

"We did not come here to disrespect anyone, but can you blame us if we came off as rude towards Stephanie. She is a disgrace. Leaving, she did not think about her families name, or her sister." This time it was father who had spoken, I wanted to scoff at his words. They all had always viewed me as a villain, at one point I questioned if they were even my parents but how identical I looked to both of them just made me brush that thought away.

"Approaching me regarding marrying your daughter is not only a disrespectful towards Stephanie but also me, have you forgotten she is wife." I wanted to correct him, I was no longer his wife I had signed the divorce papers. And I guess so did Katherine, as soon as those words left Masons lips she was quick to reply.

"Ex wife, you both have been divorced. I would also appreciate fixing your tone Mason, I raised you well enough for you to know not to be rude to my guest not only that my best friends marital home." Had I forgotten to mention that Katherine was best friends with Keira aka my mother, how unfortunate. But sadly it was the truth.

"Now I must change your words, I am still legally married to Stephanie." My eyes widened as I snapped my head towards Mason, baffled was an understatement.
"What do you mean?" I asked, I stood up and Mason followed after me. It was not possible that Mason had not submitted the divorce papers, this was what he wanted freedom. So why had he not posted the damn divorce papers.

"You heard me, you are still my wife. Also mother are you not a believer of God, allowing your friend proposing me to marry her daughter whilst I am already married is against the belief of God." Mason said turning his attention back to his mum, I was left speechless and in my thoughts. I was still legally Mason's wife. That was impossible.

"You are lying, you are not still married to this devil." She screamed, now it was my turn to glare at her.
"I would very much appreciate if you do not call me names, you have no rights." I yelled, I no longer was the Stephanie three years ago that would silently listen and not respond to her verbal brutality.

"You are not in any position to raise your voice at me, have you forgotten who I am." The threat was clear in her voice, I was ready to respond back but Mason spoke instead.
"I will not hesitate to kick you out of my house, mother. If you continue to disrespect my wife." I wanted to yell at him to stop calling me his 'wife'. But instead I remained quiet and waited till they all leave before I break lose.

"This is not how you speak to your mother, this is all her fault. She has shrugged off her negativity and influenced you against me." Katherine spoke, she looked angry and disappointed but that had just made me want to smirk.
"No need to argue Katherine, Levon would be staying here for a couple of nights. She has volunteered to help out at a clothing brand." I glared at my mother, I knew she had done this on purpose. Leaving no choice for Levon to stay, it was part of the contract if for any reason the Anderson was needed to come into the territory they had full rights on staying at Masons.

"As long as she is out of mines and my wife's way I do not have a problem. A maid will take Levon to her room." A satisfied smile lingered on both Levon and mother's face. This was what they were hoping to hear. The satisfaction on there face just angered me.

"Very well, Katherine thank you for coming. We will now take our leave." Katherine hugged Keira before nodding her head.
"I will keep a check on Levon. I must get back, I had cut my hair stylist mid way." She said grabbing her bag before walking towards Mason.

"I hope you will come around and apologies." Was what she said before pecking him on the cheeks and walking out, my parents followed behind silently. Mason scoffed and walked away, leaving me along with the devil herself.

"I hope you don't mind. You know how much I adore Mason, he's just perfect. It's unfortunate he ended up with the wrong sister. But like they say never is never too late." As she said that she walked away following the maid who grabbed her luggage and lead her to the room she was staying at.

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