Two Souls That Sing

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William stroked Alice's hair as the car sped north, houses and shops whizzing by the window. Alice looked up at him,"Are you nervous?" Will thought about it and said,"I know that your people don't like mine. I know I won't be welcomed with hugs and kisses. I'm more worried about what this means for us." Will winced at his words, not liking how insecure he sounded. He felt he was right to be worried. Alice,was entering a world that had men suited to her in a way he was not.

Alice frowned as she felt his insecurity. She growled softly,"Do you doubt my love for you? Nothing that happens at this place will change how I feel for you. We may be different species but our souls sing to each other. I'm yours, Will." Her words soothed Will but only for a second because Liam was pulling into a driveway,

One thought came to mind before he got out of the car: If you get hostile Alice will be whipped. Follow her lead.

Liam got out of the car and opened Alice's door like a limo driver would. He offered a hand but Will hissed so he withdrew it. Will got out after her. The first thing he noticed was the vastness of the land. It was rolling hills for miles, trees that scraped the sky. The second thing he noticed was the pack of wolves watching him with bared teeth. Growls vibrated in the air. He felt Alice tense at his side and was shocked when a growl tore itself from her throat.


As Alice got out of the car she felt a million sets of eyes on Will, condemning him for what he was. The pack couldn't believe his nerve, coming to their territory with a member of their pack. A white-hot rage erupted within herA deep growl tore itself from her throat. Enough! I am here on the Alpha's orders. The vampire travels at my side as my mate. He is granted passage as my guest. He will not harm you. If you harm him I will rip out your throat, no matter what consequences I may face for my actions.

The message traveled into the mind of every pack member. The growls cut off instantly , all except one voice.

Alice turned to Liam,"Take us to the Alpha. I do not wish to spill the blood of a defiant pup just yet."

Liam nodded,"Right this way. Do not worry about the wolf. He will be dealt with as soon as the Alpha hears that you were met by hostility."

They were lead into a room with swords and knives and bows and arrows. A man was in the middle of the room, his muscles were rippling under a T-shirt that read:WHAT SHARP CLAWS I HAVE. THE BETTER TO KILL VAMPS WITH.

Will murmured,"I'd like to see you try Big Bad."

Alice coughed to disguise a laugh and the Alpha turned to face her. He had blond hair and blue eyes,. His skin was tan. Alice tried not to notice that you could use his abs to grate cheese.

The Alpha smiled. "I'm Brad. It's a pleasure to have you Alice. It is a shame that you're Mated to....this. We have so many handsome wolves here."

Alice felt Will tense by her side. She stepped between him and Brad. "I'm happy with my current Mate, thank you. I'm also keeping him from ripping your head off your shoulders, so mind your tongue...Alpha."

Brad's blue eyes danced in delight,"Please. Let your...leech off the leash. Perhaps he will make a good sparring partner."

Alice looked at Will. His eyes were hard. She could tell he was trying to keep his fangs from growing. "Will, calm down. He's the Alpha. He's gonna kick your ass baby. Please don't do this."

Will smiled down at her,"His claws won't kill this vamp. And if they do, he's gonna remember my name. I love you."

Will put his hand on the small of Alice's back and kissed her. She could feel his fangs growing as his mouth crashed down on hers. She gasped in surprise as she tasted her blood. She expected to feel pain from where his fangs sliced her but there was none, only exhilaration and ecstasy. Alice understood how the food felt now but this was more. Will loved her and all that loved flowed between them. She knew in that moment that this was forever. He pulled away from her far too soon. She whispered,"Wow. Will winked.

Will turned around and charged Brad, trying to take him to the ground. Brad planted his feet and threw Will off. Will flipped through the air twice and landed on his back with a thud. Alice whimpered and almost changed forms and ripped Brad's throat out herself but her wolf wouldn't come. They argued as Brad advanced on Will.

You cannot fight the Alpha. Our Will can, you cannot.

I can't let Will die.

Will must defend our choice of Mate. He must whip the Alpha for suggesting we be with another man..

Fine. I'll watch....for now. I hate this!

As do I, human.

Brad straddled Will, punching him in the face. Will lunged sideways throwing Brad off him. He twisted sideways and sunk his fangs into Brad's ankle. Brad roared in pain and tried to grab at Will but Will was standing behind him. Will grabbed a handful of Brad's hair and dragged him forward. He stopped at Alice's feet. Will hissed,"Brad would like to apologize for insulting your choice of Mate. Isn't that right, Brad?" Brad growled at Will. Alice knelt down and said with pride,"This is William. My Mate. We fight our enemies side by side. You don't want to be my enemy. He will not hesitate to kill you if I ask. Please apologize and Will will let you up." Brad smiled,"I'm sorry....that your Mate is about to die." Brad let his claws elongate. He grabbed Alice by the throat and squeezed. Alice gasped and wheezed. Will slammed Brad's head into the floor. He roared and dragged Brad away. Alice gasped as breath returned to her lungs. She watched the fight through the tears that had begun to swim in her eyes.

Brad had somehow managed to get on top of Will again. He was cutting Will open. He was going to kill him! Alice commanded her wolf: Save him. Now. I'm not asking. This is not a request. I demand you save my love!

Alice felt her wolf take control. Her wolf moved forward slowly, snarling. Instead of backing off Brad melted into wolf form. Alice's wolf stopped in her tracks. Brad's wolf was russet, with an aura that commanded respect. His energy seemed to sing to her. A perfect match. No. Will was who the universe chose for her. Brad's soul kept singing, growing louder with each passing moment. Alice whined and looked at Will. The song of his soul raged like a river. Alice snarled at Brad. Move. A true Alpha does not rip out the heart of a guest.

Brad snarled back. A true Alpha shows a female he is able to dominate over all others. Even leeches.


Will grabbed Brad by his scruff and threw him into the wall of weapons. He roared,"ALICE IS MINE! We are mated!"

Brad bowed his head in acceptance but his soul could be heard singing.

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