Chapter 1: Royal Capital of Pars, Ecbatana

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A/N: This is an Arslan Senki Fanfic. It's concentrated more on the adventures of the OC, Sena, together with Arslan and his companions.

Later in the story, I plan on having my OC having Daryun as a love-interest because he is one of the available males in the series. And I plan on adding comedy into the story to make it fun. Comment if you don't want comedy as its genre.

If ever the Anime Series made a canon love interest for Daryun in the future, just imagine that it doesn't exist. I hope it doesn't come to that. Although in the Novel Series of Arslan Senki, Daryun had a romantic relationship with a princess in the country Selika in the year 317.

I'll be adding Arslan Senki photos and gifs in the story

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I'll be adding Arslan Senki photos and gifs in the story. I am sorry to the people who are offline readers because you won't be able to load the images.

♔♕♖♗♘ Arslan Senki ♞♝♜♛♚

"It's been two years, huh." A teenage girl sighs from reminiscing. A strong breeze lets her dark brown hair fly at it's direction. She inserted strands of hair at the back of her ear for it to remain in place.

The hot sun had made her amber eyes looked like it was a flaming red color.

Two years had gone by since Sena became a Freelancer. Since then,  she has been to cities in the neighboring kingdoms and most of Pars. As a Freelancer, she would look for clients and do their bidding. Whatever their nationality and belief as long as they're willing to accept her, Sena would gladly do what they ask for.

Seeing that the gates of Ecbatana is nearing, she remembers the General that holds a special place in her heart. He would tell her stories of Ecbatana on how wonderful and deadly it is.

When Sena was a under the General's care, he would tell that the road to Ecbatana is filled with blood. Not literally, but it meant danger awaits in Ecbatana. From a fortress located at eastern Pars up to her current location, Sena hasn't encountered any trouble at all.

Maybe the General was trying to scare me back then. Sena thought.

Upon arriving at the gate of Ecbatana, the young adult got off from her horse and walked towards the soldiers wearing red armor who are guarding the gate. "State your name and reason for coming here." said the soldier to the right.

"Sena, and I'm a Freelancer." The brunette told them.

The two soldiers gave each other looks and had doubt in their eyes. People give the same reaction whenever they hear it. The two men saw a long sword attached to the horse in a horizontal position. They confirmed it was a 2-handed greatsword. After a few exchange of opinions, they let her in. Sena walked her horse from then on as she entered the Royal Capital.

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