Chapter 6: Companions

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"Sena? Is that you? Where are you?"

Sena heard his voice clearly. It belonged to Arslan and even if it was faint, she heard it loud and clear. Pulling her horse to turn around, she headed towards the source.

"Prince Arslan! Where are you?!" Sena yells, hoping that His Highness was uninjured during the battle.

Coming out from a thick fog, she saw Arslan riding on a black horse. Her eyes were glued to his his hair and cloak that was smeared in blood. She thought that white was too clean and pure for the bloody crimson red.

"Your Highness!" Sena immediately dismounts her horse and falls to the ground to bend one knee. "I'm glad your safe! Are you injured?"

"Ah, the blood does not belong to me. But I'm fine." Arslan was delighted and relieved to see that Sena was safe. He wasn't able to see her off when the King ordered her to go to Gilan. It made him wonder what she was doing here in Atropatene.

Sena stood and saw Daryun behind him, riding another horse. From the looks of it, he gave Arslan his horse. Daryun still had his helmet while Arslan doesn't.

"Daryun! So you were with his Highness. I heard of what had happened." Sena frowned. He was stripped from his post of Marzban.

"Let's not talk here. We should get out of this fog first." Daryun pointed out and Sena nodded in approval.

With their horses neighing, they tried to avoid battle while escaping the fog.

♔♕♖♗♘ Arslan Senki ♞♝♜♛♚

It was already dusk and the sky was mostly purple and the clouds were peach or pastel pink due to the sun setting. Prince Arslan washes his face and hair on the lake near Kharlan's castle. He didn't know it belonged to him. The horses were drinking the water to refresh and energize themselves.

Sena looked at the castle that was laying on top of a mountain. She remembered Kharlan, the traitor. Surely, he had a reason and Sena didn't forget that.

He was a good friend and a respectable man, why would he do such a thing?

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He was a good friend and a respectable man, why would he do such a thing?

"Why are we here?" Sena whispered to Daryun who was also looking at the castle.

"I have a plan." He replied, assuring her.

"Where are we going?"

"To see my friend, Narsus."

"Ah, him."

Sena only met him once, and it was because Narsus had to get something from Gilan. He was sick and his vassal was taking care of him. Daryun suggested Narsus to hire her and retrieve the item he wanted from Gilan. Narsus agreed and Sena did as told.

"Khayr and Manuchurch are dead." Daryun stated.

"And so I've heard." Sena simply bowed her head, feeling the loss of good comrades.

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