Chapter 7: In The Painter's Home

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Daryun told the details to Narsus on what had happened at Atropatene. He told that Kharlan and Ellia betrayed Pars. Narsus acknowledged that even Lusitania had someone crafty.

The Marzban wanted the help of Narsus for his intelligence and strategies for Prince Arslan. Sena second the notion. Unluckily, Narsus didn't want to partake in any worldly matters.

Daryun and Narsus bickered over art and insulted each other. Arslan chuckled at the sight while Sena was grinning.

Wanting to hear the painter's thought, Arslan recieved Narsus' thoughts indeed.

"Your Highness, there is little use in saying this now, but His Majesty, your Lord Father, should have abolished slavery." Narsus says with a stern face

Arslan was surprised to hear this.

Putting a hand over his face, Narsus removes it to show that he was back to being lax. "It is this way of thinking that made your Lord Father hate me greatly."

"In that case, both Daryun and I are hated by mg Lord Father as well. If it is all the same, why not let ourselves be hated in good company?" Arslan said, which surprised Narsus this time.

"This may would be rude of me, but I cannot make any promised. But as long as you remain here, I will do my utmost to see to your needs."

"I understand. My apologies for pressing the issue."

Narsus didn't fail to notice that Arslan didn't add Sena's name when he was talking about all of them being hated by the King all of them being hated in good company. He was curious, so he asked.

"Your Highness, is Sena not hated by the King?"

"Ah, she's-"

"I'm only a tool to the King. He only needs me to add more manpower to the army." Sena answered, cutting off Prince Arslan. She didn't care if it was rude.

"Or perhaps you wanted to confirm if I agree to slavery? It's a yes and no." She was not in a good mood. The topic was to her disliking.

"That answers my questions then. You are indeed needed for the army's manpower. Even His Majesty planned to make you Marzban."

"Oh, you knew?"

"Of course. And as expected of a Freelancer, you see everything in neutral." Narsus was talking about slavery.


♔♕♖♗♘ Arslan Senki ♞♝♜♛♚

It was still night, where the half moon was aligned perfectly in the middle of the clear sky. The lake reflected it's moonlight and it was a beautiful sight to see.

Elam was busy managing the horses, feeding them hay to gain energize that they had lost. Arslan was sleeping soundly, wrapped in a warm blanket as the moonlight coming from the window shines on his face.

Sena was supposed to be asleep, but she stood behind a doorway, hidden from sight. She couldn't sleep, and the two men of the house were talking. Even though she knew it was rude, Sena eavesdropped on their talk.

"To think while I was away guarding an envoy to Serica, you would be banished from Court, Narsus." It was Daryun's voice.

"How was it? Find any good women in Serica?" This time, it was Narsus.

A/N: This will only take a minute of your life.

I was searching information about the characters to know how to portray characters and I stumbled upon this when it came to Daryun. Remember Chapter 1?

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