Chapter 2: Intentions

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A/N: Chapter 2, 3, and 4 would be chapters for the OC to be familiarized with the original characters of Arslan Senki. Don't worry, Daryun, Arslan, and the other beginning characters are here.

♔♕♖♗♘ Arslan Senki ♞♝♜♛♚

Lord Vahriz made Sena a guest in the palace and had King Andragoras III approve of her temporary stay as thanks for saving Prince Arslan. The King and Lord Vahriz talked for an hour and that's where the decision to make her stay came from.

The soldiers took Sena's horse from Pars' Nights and gave back the key that she rented a while ago to the owner. The horse is now at the stables.

To make everyone feel comfortable around the Freelancer, Lord Vahriz announced that she is the lost Noble Sena Prasya.

Sena left the title "Noble" a long time ago and here she was with the title again. To her, hearing the title attached to her name is unpleasant.

This day has gone exactly the opposite that she wanted it to go. Don't be too eye-catching, don't get involved with the royal palace especially with the Royal Family, and don't get in trouble.

"Why is Lord Vahriz doing this to me?" Sena whined, following Daryun to a room where she will talk with Lord Vahriz and Daryun.

"I don't know what my Lord Uncle is thinking but this is an opportunity that no one will deny and yet you think of this as a nuisance." Daryun said in a calm and honest tone that didn't show any hint of mock or annoyance.

"I don't think of it as a nuisance but I'm here in Ecbatana to work, not to get involved with the Royal Family or Royal Palace." Sena was frank. She didn't care if it sounds like she was insulting the Royalty.

They entered a room and Lord Vahriz was sitting on the floor with food prepared. Sena didn't have dinner and so are Vahriz and Daryun.

Sena sat across Lord Vahriz and Daryun sat beside him. "Shall we eat?" The Supreme General smiles and offered food.

It was uncomfortable for the Freelancer because she's not used eating with somebody else, and these two people are very important to the kingdom which significantly raised how odd and strange this is. Freelancers work alone.

They ate in silence and it was deafening. Sena ate only a little because she had no appetite as of the current time.

After eating, it was back to talking. Sena took a guess that it was still about the five-hundred gold coins.

"How old are you?" Lord Vahriz asked, trying to know Sena better.

He wanted make her comfortable around him because she is someone important to Retired General Kro. There was also the feeling to make her stay in Ecbatana.

"Seventeen." Sena replies, not minding answering his questions. In fact, she does so to entertain them.

"And what age did you become a Freelancer?"


"At such a young age..."

"I wouldn't call that young. I have encountered child assassins that age around seven to ten. They're the young ones."

"How about you?" Sena brings Daryun to the conversation, who was watching silently. "What's your age?" She wanted to know how old was he, because he looked like a young Marzban.

He looks a lot older than me, so I'm expecting that he's in his twenties.

"Twenty-four." Daryun answers.

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