Chapter 11: A Night in Ecbatana

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Narsus and Daryun left the crowd, walking on the streets. Their cloaks still covered their body and they were hooded to conceal their faces.

"I had braced myself for this but seeing for myself as the Lusitanian army throws their weight about here, it makes me painfully aware if our defeat." Daryun stated as they walk.

Narsus nods in agreement.

"It makes me painfully aware that I have chose the wrong choice to leave Ecbatana to assassinate viceroy Pelagius"

Hearing someone else talk, Narsus and Daryun unsheathes their sword and faced to the source. The person there was Sena, back in her normal clothes with her straw cloak.

"Sena!" Daryun whisper-shouted. "Don't surprise us like that or we could've accidentally killed you." He lectured.

Both he and Narsus sheathes their swords, relieved that they didn't attack right away. It would be devastating if they strike Sena.

"I can always deflect your attacks."

"You weren't even holding a weapon to deflect anything."

"I have fast reflexes."

The black knight breathes deeply, not wanting to argue with her anymore. Arguing with the Freelancer is time consuming and nonsense. She would always find the words to counter everything.

"Why were you dressed as a Lusitanian soldier a while back? And what were you doing?" Narsus asks, not knowing the reason of her actions. He had came up with a few theories but he wanted to confirm it.

"To infiltrate the Royal Castle, I had to dress up as a Lusitaninan guard. The original plan was to walk around the castle and try to extract information from the people around it, including the soldiers." Sena started to explain.

"But, a bunch of soldiers asked me for help to bring out the ancient scrolls. At first, I thought they would transfer it to Lusitania or sell it. And so, I changed my plan to enter the palace after helping them for quite a bit but I found out they're going to burn the scrolls."

"Then what did you do?" Narsus asked.

"I debated to either look for the King and Queen with the chance given to me or to save at least some of the ancient scrolls."

"What did you choose?"

"Save the scrolls. Don't worry, I'm prepared to face punishment for choosing the scrolls. I would not hesitate or fight back if I were to be punished by Prince Arslan."

"Choosing either way, you would do the right thing. It's His Highness that would decide if he were to punish you or not. How many scrolls have you managed to save?"

"About a thousand. It's the most that I can save. I tried to save scrolls from every section of the library."

"I appreciate that you saved at least that amount of scrolls. You have my gratitude." Narsus bows his head to show his thanks. He was glad that at least some of the scrolls were saved. Still, millions of ancient texts are lost.

"I buried the scrolls to the ground near to the Royal Library. It was the only place where I can hide it."

"No, saving them from being burned is already enough." Narsus shook his sideways. What Sena did is more than enough.

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