Chapter 8: Patience and Strategy

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Arslan had begun his journey with Daryun and Sena at his side when they escaped from Atropatene. However, on this day Narsus, the strategist, and his vassal, Elam, had joined him on his righteous path.

Hiding in a cave somewhere in the mountains, the group waited patiently. Prince Arslan was sitting across Narsus with a board and pieces in the middle. Daryun was sitting silently, Sena was by her horse, and Elam went to see Kharlan's men.

Minutes had gone by and Elam came back to report. "They went down the mountain on foot."

"They wouldn't get out of the mountains by the end of the day." Narsus smiles at their misfortune.

"I hope they do not run into any bears or wolves," said Daryun.

"Was that sarcasm? I wish they do." Sena responded.

Arslan was getting impatient but Narsus told him not to be. If they were to leave the mountains, fighting Kharlan would be inevitable.

"We make the enemy focus their manpower where we wish them to. That is the first step in any strategy. No matter how great your military prowess, the value of strategy is in securing victory before you exhaust it." Narsus explains the importance of strategies to Arslan as he started to move the pieces across the board.

"But Daryun broke through a massive army to come for me." Arslan said as Daryun headed towards their direction.

"That is one man's valor. Brave warriors such as Daryun are one in a thousand." Narsus explains.

"A commander of an army must think of his weakest soldier as the standard and and still emerge victorious. King Andragoras never knew defeat. That self-conceit gave rise to the king who was uninterested in politics. The king who tried to resolve all matters with war."

"If it is your will that you would be your father's successor in that sense, I will abandon my post as Court Painter at a moment's notice, Prince Arslan." Narsus pointed out with a stern face, showing that he was serious.

"Yes, I will take your words to heart." Arslan took note.

A few moments of silence passed by and Narsus broke it. "Daryun, Sena, even if you come across upon Kharlan, do not kill him. There is no doubt that he knows something that is beyond belief."

"I know." Daryun told him.

"I didn't plan to kill him anyway, yet." Sena told Kharlan they'll talk the next time they meet, and depending on Kharlan's reason, she will see if he should die or not.

♔♕♖♗♘ Arslan Senki ♞♝♜♛♚

"Considering the distance from Atropatene, the Lusitanian army should be already be launching a full-scale attack on Ecbatana." Narsus pointed out, moving one piece from the board.

Sena and Daryun were sparring while waiting for the time to leave. It's better to be productive than to do nothing at all. Both were using longswords and they have no armor.

"The gates of Ecbatana are sturdy, however there are no such things as impregnable defenses. There are ways to breach them." Narsus says.

"For example... Are you speaking of opening them from within?" Arslan doubted it.


"But opening the gates from within would be..."

"It is possible. If I were leading the Lusitanian with words."

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