Chapter 4: Connections

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It's been a year since Sena became the Kingdom's assassin. She gained the Generals' trust and they acknowledge her in terms of skill.

In a year, not only did she became the Kingdom's assassin but she served as a spy. It wasn't announced publicly and is only known to important people who serves the King. But Sena was known to Pars from a different title.

According to Lord Vahriz, Sena was considered an asset to the Kingdom and she doesn't need to be ashamed or be intimidated around Marzbans, Generals, Counts, and Nobles.

The thought to be an asset for Pars made her feel warm.

Lord Vahriz was like an uncle to Sena and Daryun didn't mind if it seemed that way. With Vahriz being Sena's mentor, he would also scold her strictly whenever she does something wrong. Once, he even slapped her because Sena talked back to the Queen. Still, Sena and Vahriz' relationship remains steady.

Sena discards her facade whenever she's with the court or the people she considered close with. The people who serves the Royal Family got to know who she really is. It was uncomfortable for both Sena and the people because her real self was the opposite of what she showed the first time around.

The true Sena makes fun of people, who does a mischievous smile a lot to annoy everyone. She's still blunt when talking about death and killing. From being a Freelancer, she has the habit of not caring for almost everything and sees the benefits of something good and bad.

During the one year of serving the Royal Family, she moved out of the castle for it was inappropriate but mainly because Sena didn't really like staying there. The castle is supposed to be the Royal Family's residence along with their servants, she thought. The King was delighted that she finally left the castle.

As a Freelancer, she is always busy and she would be in and out of Ecbatana. And it was hard when the King needs Sena to gather intel from the enemy Kingdom or to assassinate someone whenever she was in the middle of doing a job. Whenever she was late to respond to Andragoras, punishment or scolding was inevitable.

She tells herself to fix her priorities but never does anything about it.

The neighboring Kingdoms won't dare to invade Pars for some quite time because of the Kingdom's strength. Because of this, Sena won't be able to join major battles and wars but she did join one of the King's campaign and other raids to expand Pars.

Sena arrived at the castle after finishing a job as a Freelancer. The soldiers greeted her and bowed, acknowledging her presence. The brunette nods in return.

It became a habit to see Prince Arslan every time she came back from a job, so she wanted to see him right away. Guessing that His Highness was practicing with Lord Vahriz, she went to the practice grounds. She was right, the both of them were sparring and Lord Vahriz was strict as ever. He doesn't let Prince Arslan win even for a single time.

"Lord Vahriz, give His Highness a chance." Sena called out, smiling.

Vahriz and Arslan looked towards her direction and the brunette greeted them with a smile.


"Focus!" Lord Vahriz throws off Prince Arslan's sword and it landed far away from them. "On the battlefield, never lose focus or it'll be the death of you, Your Highness." He lectured

"I know." Prince Arslan sighs, feeling tired and uninterested in learning.

" Prince Arslan sighs, feeling tired and uninterested in learning

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